Chapter 26

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"No, my hearing is so vivid and clear. Seulgi said Jennie is dead. Dead." Irene glanced at her three friends with her cloudy eyes.


"So, you weren't at school that time?" Jisoo continued to ask Irene. She wanted to get informations as many as she could. So that she can decide whether Irene was involved in Jennie's death.

"No. But we rushed to school to see the situation. I won't deny, curiosity hit me. Besides, I wanted to check on Seulgi too."

"Hmmmm...." Jisoo was moving her head up and down in rapid movements, with still silently examining each words which came out of Irene's mouth.

"But when I got there, polices already blocked our way. We weren't allowed to enter the school. So we just standing among the crowd and saw Jennie's body which was in a body bag being carried away by an ambulance."

"Why do I feel so sad? It happened." Jennie drew hard and long of breathe.

"Sshh...." Lisa said it very lowly, gazing at Jennie, slightly shaking her head. That's all she can manage due to Irene's presence among them.

"It's alright, Lis. You don't have to say anything. I'm telling you because you should know what I'm feeling." Forcing her smile, once more Jennie let out a long sigh.

"Did you go to the funeral?" Rosé looked at Irene and asked. Her fingers still pinning chopsticks.

"I didn't come to her house. I was very shocked and afraid. But I came to the cemetery. Seulgi persuaded me to come to the funeral ceremony. I and others went there."

"I didn't see you." Rosé raised her voice over the sound of the backsound.

"I went back home before the funeral ceremony finished. My mind was very messy that time. You don't know how I was feeling that time." Irene took a deep breath before continuing.

"Rumours spread quickly. Some students lead opinions. One of it, Jennie did a suicide because of me. Because of I had bullied her." Irene leaned against the seat and stare blankly. "I know I've been mean to her, but I never wanted to harm her. Not even crossed in my mind."

All the girls, except Jisoo pulled away their eyes from the foods and looked at Irene's profile. Her eyes already stuck on Irene since then.

"Honestly, until now I still can't believe it. I can't believe that Jennie is dead in such tragic way. And I feel very guilty, till now. Treated her very bad and the reason was only because Jackson." Irene sighed and she sat upright again.

"Are you okay?" Jisoo asked.

"Yes." Irene nodded.

"So, do you believe that she did the suicide because of you?"

"I don't know." Irene shrugged her shoulders. "But I know Jennie wasn't a weak girl. I mean, she had a gut to fought me. So, I also have a mind that she didn't do suicide because of my bully."

"So, I can assume that you think she committed suicide not because of you?"

"You can say that. I hate myself if the truth that I am the reason why she did it. But half of me saying NO... It wasn't because of me. I am truly feeling guilty for everything I had ever done to her in the past. But I swear, I didn't want her life to ended like that. I wish I still could meet her at the present time, I would ask for forgiveness."

The girls listened, they didn't interrupt. Jisoo stared more on Irene's, studying her. She can see a glimmer of honesty in Irene's eyes.

"Don't worry, Irene. I'm sure if Jennie were still alive, she will forgive you." Jisoo gave a natural smile.

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