Chapter 35

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The atmosphere was suddenly strangely silent after Rosé's surprising analysis.

"How can you get that thought?" It didn't take long for Jisoo to welcomed Rosé's analysis with questions.

"Well, don't you think it makes sense? We found connection thread here. What would happened to him if Jennie exposed it? That dick must be very worried if the whole school found his disgracing behaviour. His career will end, so do his perfect life. It will ruin." Rosé settled a deep stare at an empty seat where Jennie was sitting. "Jennie, do you think Mr. Lee knew about your plan of exposing him?"

"I don't know. But I don't think so. I'm not sure tho."

"She doesn't think so. But she's not sure." Lisa spared Ros é a glance.

"What did your plan or what had you done in exposing him?" Rosé cameback with her interrogation.

“I was thinking there must be some students who have been victims of him. I believe he has sexually harassed several female students, not just me. So, I was planning to find those students and ask them to make a petition against Mr. Lee regarding his lewd and filthy behavior."

"Jennie believes that Mr. Lee not only done his filthy behaviour to her, but towards some other female students too. And for me, I'm pretty sure he did. So, Jennie had an idea to find those students and ask them to make a petition against Mr. Lee."

"I see-" Rosé nodded slowly as if she was trying to absorb Jennie's statement. "But that's too risky tho. Don't you think I'm right?" She continued.

"That was also what Miss. Jung had warned me."

"What do you mean?" Lisa looked aside, confused at what Jennie was saying.

"Ahm- I told Miss. Jung. You know she's our counselor teacher. I asked for her opinion. She didn't believe in me at first, but finally she trusted me as she knows what kind of student I am. I didn't like create any kind of drama or ignite any commotiom or whatever it is. And she also supported me. She asked me to be careful as what I was facing is the principal. There was a possibility that he would do anything in order to defend himself. Including, he could flipped the table and make me be the one to be blamed. And yes, he has a power to do that. It was like what happened to my father was happening to me that time." Jennie sighed in exasperation.

"So, Jennie consulted to Miss. Jung and she supported Jennie. She only asked Jennie to be careful as Mr. Lee has a power to flip the table to defend himself."

"Should we go to Miss. Jung and talk about this to her?" Rosé asked while twirling a strand of blonde hair around her finger.

"No. I don't trust anyone." Jisoo said it quickly. Her voice shrilled. "And do you think she will believe that we know all of this from Jennie's ghost? Trust me, talking to her doesn't help us."

"She's not a ghost. How many time should I tell you?" Lisa fixed a glare at Jisoo.

"Sorry." Jisoo said apologetically.

"Lisa, get over it."

"I don't want to." Lisa snarled. "Nini, you need to get this straight. YOU. ARE. NOT. A GHOST."

Everyone was silent in a mere seconds. They must've known and felt how much this annoyed Lisa.

"I'm sorry." Lisa said shortly. "It's not the time for me being like this." Lisa sighed in-apologically.

"Forget it, Lisa. We understand you. We're sorry too." Rosé didn't want to dwell too long on the tense situation.

"Yeah... Lets get back to the point. If it was really Mr. Lee who ended Jennie's life, don't you think it was too risky for him to did this alone?" Lisa gave a doubtful look.

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