"I'VE BEEN SHOT"- Fat Amy from Pitch Perfect

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Narrator's Point Of View:

"Hey be careful with her!" Thomas yelled, grains of golden specks flurrying around him. The men that had saved the group had laid her down in a stretcher. The pair that supported her her were trying to run the best they could in the ocean of sand. Only succeeding at drowning.

One guy tripped, falling face first on the sinking ground. The stretcher slipped, leaving an unconscious girl lolling by herself. Who was she? What had happened to her? How was she still here? All that was known was her. In all of her beauty and malice was y/n. A demonic angel torn away from the pits of hell in the nick of time.

"What are you doing?! Are you guys stupid or something?!" Victor reprimanded the men in his ferocity, trying to blink away the sandstorm. "Here, Thomas!" The leader of the group turned at his name being called. "Come help me!"

With determination and a combination of manpower the two took over, carrying y/n as carefully as they could while guards yelled at them to hurry. They bellowed nonsense about cranks while shooting off guns rapidly. Bullets spraying into shadows in the dusk scenery.

Victor and Thomas jogged towards the towering building filled with a luminary of lights. A million windows set into industrial concrete. The boys were almost there. Mysterious roars emitted from the darkness. The jaw like doors of the palace were about to close, allowing the three to slip in at the last second. The group was met with Doctors. A horde of them. Ready to take y/n. So they did.

They took her away.


Y/n's Dream sequence:

Lots of whirring sounds. Flickers of faces moving in and out. I didn't want to wake up. I wasn't ready for the afterlife. I wanted to stay dead for just a little longer. So I did.

Letting my sense black out I awoke in a playground. A playground? It was made of metal, sterile but still children crawled around on it. Looking down I saw that my limbs were fairly small. I must've been between six and seven. I wasn't supposed to be here. They'd told me I wasn't allowed to fraternize with the other children...or be seen by them. Did that stop me? No.

"Hey." A  voice called for my attention. Were they talking to me? When I spun around I wanted to freeze, run, hide, do anything to get away from the boy in front of me. "You're in my way." A much younger Gally pushed me aside with an arm, bending to pick up a ball. His features were soft, rounded, still relishing in baby fat. He was my height exactly. Which was weird enough. Still those same striking eyebrows stood out.

"You can't just push people around." I said politely, crossing my arms. That was me right? Words seemed to flow out without my control.

"I can do what I want. Why do you care?" Baby Gally held the ball in one arm as he glared at me.

"It's rude." I turned my chin up at him, refusing to back down. Children's laughing echoed around us.

"Hey are you new here or something?" He asked, his eyes lighting up. "I've never seen you before." Pointing a hand towards his chest he proudly stated his name. "Gally. Who are you?"

"Y/n." Smoothing my clothes out, I offered out a hand. He shook it, that beautiful smile blooming on his face.

"Wanna come play with us?" Gally offered, gesturing to the group of kids he'd been playing with. Among them I spotted sprightly versions of Newt, Alby, and Minho. Friends? To play with? Other than Thomas and Teresa?! My little heart was bursting with joy.

"Sure!" I chirped, ready to go with him until something collided into me.

"Tag, you're it!" A red headed boy exclaimed, an obnoxious grin had split onto his face. From his wiry nature I could tell exactly who it was.

"She wasn't playing Victor." Young Gally spat, taking one of my arms and pulling me next to him.

"Doesn't matter, she's it now!" He crowed, tugging on the back of his ruby colored locks. Upon closer examination of me Victor squinted his eyes. "You're new."

"Actually I'm y/n." I put out a hand, waiting for the other's to pick up on my joke. No one noticed. Ugh, underdeveloped children have no sense of humor.

"Y/n?" Victor's face melted into a dreamy lovesick expression, he took my hand but instead of shaking it he got on one knee. Wiping his ruddied face he proclaimed. "You're gonna love me! Marry me y/n!" My child self looked in disgust at him, taking my hand back and wiping it on myself.

"No thanks." I declined sourly. Victor scrambled to his feet and preceded to sling an arm around me.

"Too late. We're already married. Now it's time to kiss!" Victor crooned, leaning in. He pecked me on my cheek then decided to release me.

"Gross." Grimacing, I rubbed the spot he kissed saying. "I want a divorce."

"Come on y/n, let's go play." Gally grabbed my arm and began to tug me towards his little group.

"Hey can I come with you guys?" Victor frantically followed our trail. "I wanna play kickball too!" All of a sudden an ear splitting alarm began to blare. Kids froze left and right, eyes glued at the play area's main door. Uh oh.

The door swung open. A furious Ava Paige entered. Her heels clicking across the cement. She was ready to spit fire. I shrunk into Gally, hoping by some miracle she wouldn't see me. I'd turn invisible.

"Y/n!" Her lips, the color of blood, were pursed and ready to strike. All eyes were on her, falling to me when she ripped me away by my hair. Showing no mercy as the woman tugged on the sensitive roots.

"I'm sorry!" I whimpered, being yanked towards the exit. "I didn't mean to! I just went through the wrong door!" This only brought the woman to a deeper rage.

"Wake up y/n! Stop being such a child! Wake up!" Her voice bounced against the walls of the building's corridors. "Wake up! Wake up!"

I woke up.

𝐒𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋//𝐆𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐘𝐗𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐑Where stories live. Discover now