All I really want is girls-Beastie Boys

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"Dinner time!" A guard called out in our dorm, cracking open the door. Boys stood from their scattered seating areas and clumped together towards the exit. I was the last to rise, abandoning the same old bench.

I hadn't moved for hours. My soul was void and null, ready to put on the sickeningly smiley front. I forced the corners of my lips to raise, feeling my cheeks plump up. One foot after the other I trudged toward the door. I was the last one to leave, or so I thought.

"Hey." Minho was right on my tail, dangerously close to flat tireing me. I picked up the pace, hoping I'd lose him in the sea of people in the hall. "Y/n?" No such luck. He cut right in front of me, walking backwards as he talked to me.

"What?" I forced my voice to lilt cheerily, trying to swerve around him. He kept his post. The hallway got louder with each squeak of a kid's sneaker.

"I wanted to say sorry."

"Sorry? For what?" My eyes widened with faux innocence. He narrowed his at me, confusion gutting into him. "Oh don't be silly!" I giggled, swinging my arms as I walked in a graceful waltz. "My philosophy is forgive and forget buddy. Besides, I'm sure people have shish kebabed their friend's lovers before. It's no big deal." Patting his chest, I snuck away, skirting off.

Blending in with the other kids was pretty easy. We all had the same clothes except for a few minor changes. Kids mushed into different color palettes rather than people. I slid my way into the dinner line.

After piling food I wouldn't eat on my platter, I glanced around the cafeteria. Letting my eyes dance before setting on a cluster of girls. Jackpot. I'd found them. Tucking my hair behind my ear and smoothing my clothes out, I approached them.

A girl with a piercing through her nose. Her earth colored eyes glinted up through her lashes. Her lips were full and probably soft and probably very nice to touch...

"Hey, you need something?" She pulled me back to the solar system, her voice low and sharp.

"Hi." I was stunned, not only by her beauty but by the girl next to her and the girl next to that girl and the whole damn table. Groomed hair and soft skin, smaller hands, they were all better smelling than the boys. I love women. "I'm y/n." Chuckling nervously, I tucked my hair behind my ear. Blood rushed to the surface of my skin, making my face raise in temperature. "I was a part of one of the all boys maze's. Sorry, it's just that I haven't really seen other girls since I don't even know when."

A strawberry haired girl offered me a pleasant smile, her face softening.

"Oh, that's okay." She assured. The other girls nodded in agreement. "I'm Em, short for Emmaline." Freckles had been dusted across her skin. A repressed part of me longed to touch them, just like I had touched his. Gally always had the prettiest freckles, the prettiest.

"Emmaline, wow that's a beautiful name."

"Thank you." Her laughter was slight and charming. If I looked closely I could even see a freckle on her lip. My flattery had been my entry into the group. The girls parted a seat at the table for me, I complied. Scooting in, I made eye contact with the nose piercing girl.

"Alf." She introduced herself, leaning back as she crossed her arms. Her eyes studied me, flicking back and forth.

"Short for Alfalfa." A blonde girl down the table snickered.

"Don't be such a Stick. Now shut your face before I shut it for you Kitty." Alf snapped, rolling her eyes. "No one calls me that anymore. Do you want everyone to start calling you Catherine again?" Kitty hissed like a feral cat at the presumed old name, slinking back to her food.

"I don't think our long names are anything to be ashamed of." A bushy haired girl spoke up quietly. "I like mine."

"Easy for you to say Mel, yours is Amelia. Try having Florence." A high voice piped up, it was attached to a young girl. A girl around Chuck's age. She wore her hair in braids and still had old polish chipping off of her nails. An immediate spark flickered something in me, drawing me towards her. That same instinct that cared for Chuck.

"I love the name Florence." I smiled at the girl. "I think you're lucky."

"Thanks." She grinned, beginning to beam at the praise. "You can call me Ren though."

"Ren sounds great." Eating at my plate, the other girls adjusted to my presence. Over time they got the courage to ask me questions.

"Were there really no other girls in your maze?" Emmaline queried, her arm had unintentionally pressed against mine causing a familiar feeling to arise. That damn funny feeling.

"Yup." My voice cracked, coughing as her skin brushed against mine. "Well until Teresa showed up on one of the last days before we left. She's the only girl I've ever seen before you guys."

"She goes by Teresa? Her full name?" Kitty lowered her chin, coyly playing around with her fork.

"Yeah, she's never gone by anything else." I explained, continuing to eat at my meal.

"You should give her a nickname, like T!" Ren offered.

"Or Terry." Kitty smirked. None of them sounded good or anything like Teresa. I especially despised Terry.

"Uh I don't know." I said politely, talking through a mouthful of food. "I guess I'll have to ask if she'd like a nickname next time I see her."

"What was it like being the only girl?" A girl with a small gap between her front teeth asked.

"It was interesting." I replied. "It smelled gross sometimes but there were nice moments."

"Did you have a boyfriend?" Kitty giggled, pointing her fork at me. My stomach dropped. A pit formed at the bottom of it.

"No. I never had much interest in any of them."

"Really?" Someone lilted.

"Really." I whispered.

𝐒𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋//𝐆𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐘𝐗𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐑Where stories live. Discover now