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"Jesus." I rolled awake, my eyes adjusting to the bright light of the room I was in. Then I saw Victor looking over me, he was kneeling down, stupidly grinning. "Jesus!" I yelped, jolting on the floor. "What are you doing Carrot Crotch?!"

"Just noticing how pretty you look when you sleep." He sighed dreamily, a joking smile flashed across his face.

"Ugh, so creepy." Groaning, I massaged my temples. My brain collided against my skull, creating a massive headache. Hangovers. The worst. I had come down crashing from my high. Gally was gone. The guilt stayed behind.

But he was gone. He wasn't real. Not anymore. Gally was dead.

"I can't believe you got sloshed without me." Victor sat beside me on the dusty panels of wood. He patted my back to keep me distracted, out of pain.

"Yeah, me neither." I mumbled over my words, planting my hands on the ground for leverage. Crawling onto my feet I saw my friends scattered across a wide, open room. Music pounded from below. We were on the floor above the party house. We had to be.

Thomas was awake, chatting idly with Teresa as he rubbed his head. Brenda lounged on a dusty couch. Newt and Chuck whispered together from across the room, keeping secret from the others.

The others turned their heads when they heard me talking, saw me awake. Minho wore a smug grin, crossing over to lightly jostle me by my shoulders.

"Took you long enough Shuckface." He laughed with a scoff, being so kind to give my head an intended playful push. It made my brain ache just the same.

"I suggest that you talk! You son of a bitch!" My attention was called over to Jorge roaring at a man bound up in a chair.


I recoiled at the sight of Jorge hitting the man's bloodied face, his fist heavy and thick. Upon taking a closer look, I realized that the tied up man was the blond guy who insisted on Brenda, Thomas, and I drink from his flask. Filled with my tenacious curiosity, I snuck closer to the two men to get a better look at the altercation.

"Damn it!" Blond Man shot out through gritted teeth. The smack to his face didn't seem to keep the smart ass part of him from spilling out. With a sharp adjustment to his chin, he righted his head back to look up at Jorge daringly. "I'm sorry, you're going to have to leave my house."

"Looks like you lot had some fun." Newt teased in a quiet manner as Thomas and I sidled up beside him. I took a seat next to Chuck, fighting the urge to nibble on my nails while I eagerly watched the two grown men tussle.

Not with bodies, but with mere words. Each opponent's biting and nipping at his counterpart.

"Listen. I don't enjoy hurting you. Okay?" Jorge flexed his fingers, looming over the red suited man. "Where is the Right Arm, Marcus?"

Marcus? The man we'd been searching for from the beginning? The man with the pathetic pulpy face was Marcus?

"Wait, this is Marcus?" Thomas jumped in, stepping forward with alertness. The pieces were clicking together. He had fooled us.

Marcus chuckled peevishly, his eye oozing with loose fluid.

"The kid catches on quick. Are you the brains of the operation?"

"You lied to us." Dismay left my voice, curling up in my expression. "Yo why'd you have to that Marcus? I thought we were chill."

𝐒𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋//𝐆𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐘𝐗𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐑Where stories live. Discover now