No, Bitch (y/n gets a crowbar)

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Little ticks rang, one right after the other. The switch Minho had flipped brought light to the building, making the structure serene for a singular moment. Then all hell broke loose.

Minho gave us a huge grin over his shoulder, ecstatic that he played God and created light. His eyes shifted behind Thomas and focused on something different.

"Thomas, watch out!" He warned, reaching out for him. I turned just in time to see a shrieking figure throw herself onto the chain link fence towards Thomas. Nearly dying of fright, I let out a yelp followed by a list of expletives.

"Fuck, shit, fuck, pussy ass bitch!" My bones rattled as I stared more clearly at the figure. It was a woman with gouged out eyes. It's hair was frayed like an old dolls and black bile dripped from it's lips.

"Get back, get back, get back!" Minho yanked me towards him. I pressed myself against his chest, trying to get as far away from the woman turned monster. He held onto me firmly. I could feel his fear, it practically dripped off of him. "Jesus." He breathed, aiming his flashlight toward it. "It's eyes."

A strangled growl came from behind us, we spun around to greet it. A things that used to be a man, hobbled toward us before picking up the pace. It ran at us full speed, until it was met with a face full of light rod.

"Stay back!" Minho shouted, slamming the light rod at it. It fell to the floor, writhing. I whimpered at the sight, my voice stuck in my throat. Jumping backwards, I did what I hated most.

I ran.

"Y/n!" Thomas called after me, his footsteps right behind mine. Weaving through tables and chairs, I stumbled around, clawing my way to a pair of swinging doors.

Two more of the things were nearing the doors too. Gritting my teeth, I felt my legs burn as I sped up. With a gasp, I launched my way through the doors, tumbling onto the floor.

Thomas and Minho slid right through, pushing back on the doors to create a barricade against the things. The monsters slapped and growled at us through the top glass windows.

"Oh my God we're gonna die here!" I cried, slapping a hand over my mouth. Terror spasmed through my nerves, paralyzing my muscles. Adrenaline sped up my heart. I could hear each ear splitting thud. "Guys, I'm sorry I scared you, I really am!"

"Slim it y/n!" Minho roared, digging his heels into the cement to keep out the things. "Hold it down!" I should do something. What should I do. Help y/n. Help somehow, in anyway.

"What?!" Thomas replied, scrunching his face at the brunette boy.

"Hold it down!" Minho repeated. My eyes flickered over the giant filing cabinet beside them. I watched as he swerved around to it, starting to tip it over.

"What are you doing?!" Thomas yelled, eyes wide as the cabinets groaned and creaked.

"Watch out! Watch out!" Minho warned, the metal cabinets sliced through the air and landed with a sturdy thump. The its were locked out.

Thomas practically tore my arm from his socket with the force he pulled me up with. Wails echoed against walls, more creatures ran jaggedly in our direction.

"Come on y/n." Minho pushed against the side of my head, opening my eyes to what was around me. "Use that shuck brain of yours. Now go, go, go, go!"

𝐒𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋//𝐆𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐘𝐗𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐑Where stories live. Discover now