Mount Everest-Labrinth

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A/N: Real quick, I have a playlist I made for this scene on my Spotify + a lot of character playlists. This playlist is called: The club in scorch trials// Sour Boy. My user is Notsoquirkykid.

"What is it?" Thomas gave the bottle a hard look, brow furrowing. The scent of hard alcohol stunk from its contents, it was colored a spearmint green, giving the liquid the appearance of mouthwash.

"The price of admission." The man said, a sleazy smile curling up his lips. He kept the flask out, sticking it towards us. When we failed to take it he became angry, exploding at us. "Drink it!" The bottle's contents splashed out from his shaking fist.

Brenda snatched up the vial, slamming it down as quickly as she could. She then passed it over to Thomas, who with much difficulty forced some of the drink down himself. The man found pleasure in his discomfort, giggling madly.

"Your turn Sweetheart." He motioned toward me, a glint playing in his shifty eyes. The slender blonde woman confiscated the flask from Thomas, putting it up to my lips. "Drink. It." Blondie touched her fingertips on the back of my neck, a chill ran down my spine. I grasped the glass container, tipping its contents into my waiting mouth.

My tongue burned. So did my throat. The weird thing is, I kind of liked it this time. Besides the stinging on my tastebuds, a cool minty flavor washed over my tongue. There were other strange flavors too. Ones that I'd never tried before and couldn't quite pinpoint. I kept chugging the substance even when I didn't have to and Blondie let go of me. I let out a refreshed sigh when I was finished, shoving the bottle back into the man's hands.

"Alright." He beamed, praising me with his tone. He circled around till he was behind me, rubbing his hands on my shoulders. His grip was strong and firm. I didn't really care though. All I could focus on was his rings. They covered his fingers with a myriad of gems and stones. The gems had begun to take a new form, turning watery and shifting around to different shapes. "You like?" He asked in my ear, his breath making me shiver. "Here." The strange man slid off a ring, placing it in my palm. Embedded in the center of the ring was the precious stone garnet. "You three enjoy the party!" With a big shove, we were thrown into the hot, sweaty, building.

Bodies were dancing on each other, numerous people blowing rings of smoke in the air. A song blared from some speaker so loud I could feel the sound in my skin, my bones, pounding against my thick, heavy heart.

"Maybe we should split up." Suggested Brenda, lost as much as I was in the sluggish atmosphere. "See if we can find the others." She locked eyes with me, sensing that I was already slipping. "Hey." Her hand was on my shoulder. "Don't drink anything else."

"Yeah..." I half-mumbled, blinking hard to take everything in as I wandered off. Women were half-dressed, clothes clinging tight on their taut bodies. Men danced with them slowly, sensuously. Women kissed women. Men kissed men.

It was a hazy, rich feeling when the drink that was most certainly tainted with some sort of hard drug kicked in. Everything was heightened, every sound, touch, and everything. Just everything.

The blonde woman found me again when I was in the middle of the dancing bodies. She cupped my chin, tilting it up to look at her. She kissed me. I kissed her. Everything was so intense. Everything felt so good. So good.

She sucked on my neck, surely leaving a mark when she bit slightly into my skin. Only when she left did I realize that when we made out, she had slipped a pill onto my tongue. I swallowed it, skin pulsing pleasurably from the experience.

My vision was fuzzy, kaleidoscope-like in how it encapsulated the world. A wave-like sensation rushed in, sloshing around in my head. I stumbled around, nearly falling on the floor before making it to a finely upholstered couch. The texture was extra pleasant, rubbing up on my skin just right.

The best part about how I felt though, was the absence of sadness. There was no grief, hysteria, pain, streaming tears, my heart didn't even feel that it was faintly splintering. I couldn't think about anything. I was too concentrated on how the lights felt warm and soft on me. I couldn't think about him.

This was it. The numb, pleasure-filled void I was experiencing was it. I wished I could live in this void. I wish I could live in it and never leave it. This was the feeling I'd been searching for. This was it. I was safe.

A girl's shadow blocked the streaming colored lights. It was Brenda. She stood before me, staring down at me. In one great fumble, she fell beside me, never looking away from my face. Her hands were on me, palms sliding up my thighs as she stared at my lips. Her own were hooked between her teeth.

"You know, I've never kissed a girl before y/n..." Her face drew closer to mine, mouth earnestly leaning up to mine. My response was muffled by her lips if you could even call it a response. Skin buzzed, blood grew hot.

"Y/n." I ripped my head away from her, falling from the couch. Panting, I whipped my head around for him. "What are you doing?" Where was he?! I'd heard Gally's voice, it felt as though he were in my head, spilling his words into my ear. "Did you think you could just forget about me?!"

"No!" I cried, succumbing to tears as I clamped my hands on my ears. "Just stop!"

"Is this what you do?! As soon as you have the opportunity you swap spit with someone?!" His voice boomed, aching in my ears. "What the fuck is wrong with you, huh?! What the fuck y/n?!"

"Please Gally..." I lifted my head slowly, taking in the sight of his figure. First his boots, then his legs, his hand holding a pistol, his torso with a spear sticking through his chest, all the way to his glowering stare. He was furious. "Just leave me alone. Please. Go away." I begged, body sprawled on the cold floor.

"You're a whore." He fumed, voice shaky with anger, crouching to stick the gun between my eyes. "You were a whore then and you're a whore now. Some things never change."


𝐒𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋//𝐆𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐘𝐗𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐑Where stories live. Discover now