Cherry slushie

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What was left of the parking structure was nothing compared to the mountainous destruction we found as we trudged through the ghost of a city. We had to be in some old metropolitan busy bee city, that used to have buildings that never seemed stop.

Only now, those same buildings had curled into themselves, creating a birds nests of metal, concrete, and glass. The structures were empty, with no people alive to occupy them. Well, at least no non-hyper zombie freak shows.

Venturing onto our journey, the sandy expanse lasted on for miles and miles. There seemed to be no end to the toppled urban buildings.

Chuck sidled up to me, emulating a little lap dog. He slid his hand in mine, our strides leaning into the same rhythms.

"Hi Chuckie."

"Hi." He looked up at the piles of rubble, a sorry excuse for a city. An awed expression struck onto his face. "How long do you think it's looked like this y/n?"

"I dunno." Brittle glass crunched under our shoes, metal craned itself, twisting out to us. "Your guess is a good as mine. I'd say the city went haywire around the time that the zombie apocalypse happened."

"We don't know that there zombies." Newt countered, the red scarf he had wrapped around his neck swung slightly. Ever since he'd put it on, I hadn't been able to take him seriously. "But it doesn't look like anyone's been here in a long time."

"They chased after us like they had rabies, killed Jack, and tore Winston's stomach apart." Jumping onto a beam, I fleetly went one foot after the other, wrapping up my argument. "To me that sounds like zombies."

"They didn't eat any of us." Newt pointed out, even his limp was worsening without his regular cup of coffee. "Especially not our brains. How does the infamous y/n explain that?"

"Easy," I hopped off of the beam, the rubber of my shoe's soles bouncing back as it made contact with the ground. "Hello? Did you not see how they thirsted for our flesh? Circling back to the Winston point, I mean just look at this motherfucker." The bandaged boy, clutched his stomach, the space under his eyes bruised with lack of sleep. "He's a leaking hamburger helper, no offense Winston."

"They weren't zombies." Thomas called from the back of our makeshift line. "Don't you remember? Those people were probably infected by the flare. That's what happens when you get sick."

"Thanks Tommy." Newt smirked at me, a haughty know it all confidence rushing to his head. "Told ya."

"Assface." I found myself next to him, walking along the sea of sand, we dropped our voices to a volume only we could hear. "What is that scarf about? Is that some kind of gay pride thing?" Snickering, I covered my mischievous grin.

"It's a scarf y/n, not gay attire."

"That looks like it came straight from Ru Paul's closet."

"It's not gay." Newt hissed back, crossing his arms. "It's for protection against the sand."

"Sure, whatever you say, Homo." I whispered in his ear to tease him, but still making sure no one heard.

"I just hope the whole world's not like this." Aris's southern drawl was thick like honey, his eyes reflecting sadly at the torn apart buildings.

As juvenile and impossible as it seemed, I hoped the same thing too.

"Woah! Hang on, stop." Thomas cut his steps short, a puzzled look woven onto his face. His brilliant brown eyes lit up at whatever he'd discovered. "You hear that?" Puzzled turned into snap quick alarm when a buzzing noise grew louder and louder in volume. "Get down! Everybody hide! Hide, hide, get in here, get in here!"

𝐒𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋//𝐆𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐘𝐗𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐑Where stories live. Discover now