Fly high Winstone

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"Damn." Winston chuckled breathily, wincing in pain from his stomach. "I didn't even think of that. That's even worse than death. Thanks for the reminder."

"I'm sorry." A tear slipped down my cheek, waterworks threatening to burst if I didn't pull myself together. I wiped my face furiously with my hand, cursing my lack of filter. "I just say stupid shit like that sometimes. God, I'm sorry, I don't know what's wrong with me."

"Don't apologize." Winston took hold of my hand again, his eye bags purpled even more in the lighting we were in. "You're right. It was funny. It made me laugh, didn't it?"

"I guess so."

"You really are right. I can't hate you for telling the truth." He gave me a crooked grin, an idea creeping into his eyes. His stare lingered on me, going up and down my body. "Unless you wanna make it false."

I bursted into laughter. Winston joined along with me.

"No. No way."

"How about half false?" He asked, smiling with the last bit of playfulness he had.

"No." I shook my head, unable to stop myself from cracking up. "You're crazy."

"I can't help that I'm going insane, it's probably from all the dying. How about second base?"

"In your dreams."

"I'm dying." He gasped, faking an offended look. "I'm basically already gone. You might as well get your ouija board out."

"Oh my God." I rolled my eyes, although annoyance was far from my mind. "If you shut your mouth, I'll let you go to first."

"Really?" He turned his mouth off, laying down in silence. The lack of noise was back and I hated it.

"I didn't mean literally shut your mouth."

"Oh, okay. Were you literal about the kissing part though?"

"You tell me." Slowly, I leaned down, waiting till we were barely apart. He closed the gap, inexperience on his lips. It was a short peck, nothing too dramatic. "That one's for you." I returned to his mouth, this time leaving multiple kisses. I covered not only his lips, but ended up pressing feathery sweet ones on his forehead, chin, and cheeks. Winston's eyes looked up at me in awe. "That one's for Zart." I pressed a quick kiss on his neck. "And that one's for the rest of the decent guys who we lost along the way."

"Which one's for Gally?"

"If I gave you the one for Gally, we'd be doing a lot more then kissing." The moment was filled in with bittersweet emotion. I supposed that Winston would be seeing Gally soon. He chuckled breathily, coughing a couple of times.

"See? You just took my breath away."

"Shut up." I groaned, finding it humorous that he was on his deathbed and spouting cheesy pick up lines.

"Nah, no surprise there." He panted, breaths becoming jagged. "You know, I always had a thing for you y/n."

"I think everyone did. I mean there weren't a lot of options."

"No, I really did."

"Was that before or after you called me a whore?" I teased, remembering that strange keeper meeting that occurred so long ago.

"After." He felt around the sand behind him, just out of my sight. "Sorry about that."

"Winston, what are you doing?"

Winston found what he'd been looking for. The pistol he'd used to shoot the people with the flare, shone back to me in the sunlight. I jumped back from him, scraping my palms on the smooth sand, scooting away to my

𝐒𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋//𝐆𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐘𝐗𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐑Where stories live. Discover now