Minho the sexy killer

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Lunch was served to us on platters by guards who were gone as quick as they came. Locking us in the bunker of a dorm. I took my plate and settled in a corner, eating a little at a time. The others had been looking at me strangely all day, like I was whacked. Although, I guess they weren't too far off.

"Hey." Chuck greeted me, plopping down beside me. The peas on his plate rolled across, meeting the chicken.

"Hi." I replied, relaxing next to him. "How's it going Chuckles?" He shrugged, silent with a gloomy sinking into his face. "Not in the mood to talk?" I hated when he was quiet. I hated it. It made my chest tighten with anxious overflow. Because when Chuck was quiet, which he never was, it meant he was upset. Maybe even upset with me? "Did someone stitch your lips up or something?" He shook his head, gazing far too long at his platter. "Come on Chuck, you can talk to me." I coaxed him, laying a hand on his shoulder. My wound stung as if salt had filled it to the brim. "Will you talk to me? Please?"

"Why'd you do it y/n?" He startled me with his stone cold tone. Hurt and pain hidden deep within the little boy I knew, crested to the surface. Well after everything that happened he didn't look so little anymore.

I didn't like the question. I didn't want to think about it. I didn't want to think about him anymore, ever again.

"I don't know what you're-"

"Yes you do." Chuck cut me off quickly, setting his plate down. He folded his hands, staring at me with those dulled brown eyes. "You do know. You just don't want to remember."

"I can't." I spluttered, my fork clattered out of my hand. "I don't know. I don't feel comfortable. Let's just. Please can we forget it?"

"Chuck." Minho spoke up from one of the top bunks, peeking over to us. "Just leave it alone."

"Why?" Chuck stood up, scanning around the room for other people who agreed with him. Drawing the others in with a scene.

"Because she isn't in the right state of mind. She's trying to pretend nothing's wrong when it isn't , okay. So leave it alone." Minho hissed, now in front of the two of us. He took Chuck by the shoulder and tore him towards himself. His slightly lowered volume did nothing for his secrecy. "What are you doing man?!" Minho whisper shouted, guiding Chuck away from me. He shot glances over to me. "You know she's unstable. Not all there, you know? She can be crazy sometimes."

My skin fizzled. How I loved being called 'crazy' by one of my friends. It made me feel fucking fantastic. Crazy? Wow.

"Crazy?" Knuckles curled into my palms, I stepped toward them. "You think I'm crazy?" Nodding, I opened the conversation to the others. "Do you guys think I'm crazy?" The boys were smart enough to shake their heads, mumbling 'no's'. Minho opened his mouth, contemplating saying something back. He decided against it, closing his lips. This was something as rare as an eclipse. Minho never shut his mouth. Never. He was tenacious and sharp. A cocky smart ass. Just like me. "Don't shy away for my sake Minho, say what you want to say." I taunted, jutting my chin out.

"Y/n just go and eat your lunch." He turned Chuck away from me, restraining his tongue. I got closer to him, getting right into his face.

"No!" I pushed his chest. "You want to start something than fucking finish it. You think I'm crazy then let's hear it! Tell me how I'm crazy!"

"Your boyfriend just died and it's like you have fucking amnesia!" Minho shouted, stabbing a finger towards me. "He shot you y/n! And the next morning you're laughing! That's batshit!"

"He wasn't my boyfriend!" I screamed, voice on the brink of hoarseness. "He was never my boyfriend! We faked it because of how I was treated in the glade! I was treated like an object!"

Newt pulled me away from Minho. I clawed for him, every limb and bone woven in seething anger. Every snide pickup line circled in my mind.

"Stop! Stop it y/n!" Newt ordered, locking my wrists together tight.

Every touch that had stayed on me a little too long burned my skin. I didn't just want to hurt Minho. I wanted to hurt everyone. Everyone who had hurt me.

"Oh and who killed Gally?! Who killed him?!" I jolted my head around, looking for the perpetrator. All eyes fell to Minho. He was looking down at his hands, his shaking hands. His head was hung low. Invisible weights slouched his shoulders. "You?! You did it?! You killed him?!"

"Fuck this!" Minho spat, storming out of the room. The only place he could go was the bathroom.

"Let me go!" I cried out, becoming a dead weight against Newt. "Let me fucking go! Please!" Sliding onto the floor in a pitiful pile, Newt still restrained me. He crouched onto the ground as I sobbed.

My gut filled with rage and a tornado of powerlessness. His hold turned into a hug, keeping me away from Minho as he held me. Even as I writhed and tried to slither away, he clutched me close.

"It's okay. You're okay. It's okay. You're fine..."


I sat on a bench. It was by the sink in the communal room. It was a good bench. It did it's job. It allowed me to sit on it as I blurred my eyes out into space. A far away look dazed upon my face.

As much as I fought it, I had been pulled under an inky black ocean. An ocean filled with Gally and death and that moment replaying in my head.

The moment where his blood stained my hands. I kissed him for the last time. I almost felt it on my lips. I watched the life flicker out of his eyes. A part of me died with him that day. It was left behind and I would never get it back.


𝐒𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋//𝐆𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐘𝐗𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐑Where stories live. Discover now