You always the hurt the one you love- The Mills Brothers

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Gally's Coma:

My sight was blurry, like a fuzzy picture. All there was was a bright rich golden light. Was I dead? Wasn't I in the lab? Where was I?

Thoughts were quieted by y/n coming into focus. Sunshine dripped down on her in the distance, lighting up her hair, face, skin, and smile. That damn smile.

She was alive, dressed in a breathy, loose white dress. We were in this huge field of bleached feathery wheat, nothing I'd ever seen before in my life. Y/n caught my sight, their eyes widened and with a bubble of laughter they began to run away from me.

"Y/n?" I picked up my pace to a jog, their hair bounced and flashed when they sprinted. A mischievous smirk replied to me over their shoulder. "Y/n?!" She only laughed and kept running. So I ran faster in the endless field, the wheat tickling my skin as I sprinted.

"Slow down! Wait for me! Come on y/n!" I pleaded, stumbling on rocks and dirt. "Please..."

To my surprise, she slowed to a stop. Stretching her arms far into the air allowed for her dress to ripple in the wind, flowing around her. A look of satisfaction made her cheeks dimple, closed eyes accompanying her smile.

I reached them, with a smile that matched theirs. The breeze was warm, sweet, just like they were. Did we make it? We're we in heaven? Or hell? I didn't care where I was as long as I was with y/n.

I wrapped my arms around them, picking them up pressed close to my chest. My heart beat through the pathetic layer of skin, eager to get closer. Their arms went around my neck, every bit of pulse around my body picked up it's speed.

"You caught me." Her eyes twinkled, sparkling as she drew me closer. Y/n's lips were flush against mine. Calmness blanketed me, letting me know that I was okay. I was with her. I was safe.

She slid down my body, pulling me toward the ground, onto a soft bed of wheat. I kissed her on that sweet summer afternoon for an eternity. Time was lost. All I found was her.

Every bit of my skin tingled, crumbling my defenses to y/n.

"...Love you..." I muttered between kisses, my fingers entangled in their hair. "...Love you forever...Just you...Only you...Always...."

Her chin tilted back, I took my opportunity to smother her neck with kisses. I'd smother her whole body if I could. She whispered something unintelligible.

"What?" I asked, way too far gone to hear correctly. "What'd you say?"

"Why did you kill me?" They replied, snapping her head back up. "Why?" Y/n giggled, an unsettling grin beaming on their face. They were holding onto my arms a little too tight. Nails dug into my skin. "Why did you kill me?!" I tore away from their grasp, shooting up to my feet.

"Y/n..." I uttered, breath hitching in my throat when I saw the blood pooling out of her dress. Hot spurts of blood oozing out of the exact place I shot her. She cackled maniacally, rubbing the blood onto her palms.

Y/n rose to her feet, her laughter dripping away into tears that streaked themselves down her sweet face.

"Why did you kill me?!" She cried, a look of absolute betrayal and ruin cracked into her face. Her dress turned a bright scarlet, flowering blood across the light material. "Why Gally?!"

It was my turn to run. I ran and ran and ran and ran. At least I knew where I was at least. I knew what I'd done and how much I hated every inch of myself for it. I was in hell. Right where I belonged.

𝐒𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋//𝐆𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐘𝐗𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐑Where stories live. Discover now