Sweet talker into your mom

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"You kissed me." Victor teased, nudging his elbows into my rib cage.

"Well you better have enjoyed it because that is the last time that I am ever kissing a ginger." I spat, digging my elbows back at him.

"I guess that means that I'll just have to kiss you." He winked under the glow of my flashlight, smirk growing.

"I think I'll pass."

"Why'd you kiss me when you thought I was dead? You got a thing for me or something?" He stole my flashlight, beaming it down on me as he held it out of my reach.

"Give it back Victor." Ordering him with a firm tone, I stretched out to reach the flashlight.

"Do you?"

"No. I don't." I snapped, narrowing my eyes at his teasing. "I did it out of pity. I felt sorry for you."

Taking the palm of my hand and reaching around his back, I pressed it against the burned flesh. Victor's spine arched in pain, crying out as I touched the wound.

"Ow!" The flashlight fell into my open hand. He rolled his shoulders at his irritated skin, mumbling. "Fuck that hurt."

"Too bad the lightning didn't strike the horny out of you."

"Alas, the horny's here to stay." He tried to pose jauntily but hissed and contorted his muscles. "Mmh God my fucking back hurts."

"Alright relax your buggin' arse." Newt interrupted, playing around with his flashlight. "We'll find some lights and we can have Jeff patch you up." He stepped forward, leading us with his light. "Now we just need to find some kinda switch..."

"RAERR" A creature leapt out at us, limbs outstretched to grab Newt. After nearly jumping out of our skin and our group's synchronized yelps, the thing was pulled back at the last second. It wasn't just any only monster, it was a crank.

Others revealed themselves, dropping in chains to keep them only a few inches from us. They were just like the ones we saw in the abandoned mall. One nearly grazed me before I was ripped backward by Victor. Any sense of boyish playfulness he had earlier was gone in a snap.

"Holy fuck!" I gasped, keeping tight hold of Victor's arm. "They're everywhere!" The cranks let out a screeching roar in response, their zombie on rabies way of moving jolting their limbs about. Victor pulled me into his chest, I squeezed his arm seeing no way out. We were trapped, until...

"I see you've met our guard dogs." A coy husky voice came from the darkness. Were we saved? Who was that? A light snapped on, revealing it's owner.  A feminine shadow draped itself in the doorway.

"What was that?" Thomas was breathless, flashlight threatening to bob out of his hand. Our group clustered together, being no exception to the rule that strength was greater in numbers.

Like a queen among her subjects, the girlish figure strode between the thick rows of sweaty, cranky bodies.

"Stay back, stay back!" Minho pushed back Chuck, who had been wandering curiously to one of the cranks. I took him from Minho, drawing the boy close.

It didn't matter that what he had done was weird. I still loved him. I promised my self long ago that I'd care for him no matter what.

As the girl came to light, her appearance flooded my view. She was a teenager, around all of our ages. The girl was bundled up in ratty clothing, moth holes poking through the tattered material. Her collarbones protruded, flexing in the flashes of lightning, coming from the windows.

𝐒𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋//𝐆𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐘𝐗𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐑Where stories live. Discover now