Omg Murder‼️‼️‼️ Cute‼️💕🥺🥰😍✨🤪😝😅

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Broad daylight shocked me before I saw the fall. We had just burst out of the tunnel, cranks in pursuit of us, and we were met with a promise to die drop crumbling off the end of the tunnel.

"Woah! Woah woah woah!" Thomas's warning echoed in the canyon of urban rubble that surrounded us. He pulled me back hard by the back of my shirt. If he hadn't, I'm nearly certain I would've fallen.

"Thanks." I panted with great effort, hands on my legs I peered up to see two skyscraper-like buildings. The tops were crashed into each other, molding into one colossal structure. My viewing was interrupted by the wails of the cranks, not too far behind the three of us.

"Come on, this way!" Leading us up the mountain of crushed rock and debris, Brenda darted up the disaster made hill. Taking a stupid peek back I saw a crank push another. They're stupid cannibalistic creatures. They can't even tell the difference. "Come on!"

We climbed and hiked and clung and monkeyed are way up the building, as warped as it was. Things twisted sideways, horizontal, and upside down but still we preserved. The cranks did too.

"Yo why they so fast?!" I yelled, taking a quick look at the nimble cranks. "Zombies are supposed to be slow! What the fuck?! They're like fucking Speedy Gonzales!"

"Watch out!" Screamed Brenda from above. I whipped my head back to see a filing cabinet tumbling down towards me. Swinging to avoid it while giving a shriek, the clunky metal cabinet whizzed past without touching me, right into a crank.

It took the crank out, forcing it to fall backward. The crank's impact shattered the window below it. With one last squawk the thing was gone. Far from dead. But gone.

We tunneled are way upwards, fighting tooth and nail, grasping concrete and rocks and everything just to survive. A column almost collapsed on top of me before catching itself on another piece of concrete.

"Jesus Christ!" My fingernails dug into the not so solid cement to pull myself up. Cranks raged on behind me, nipping at my heels.

"Are you okay?!" Brenda hollered from on top of a twisted metal staircase. Finding leverage with my legs, I leaped onto the staircase, my bandaged hands gliding up the railing. "Follow me!"

"Yeah! Behind you!" Reassured Thomas, middling out between Brenda and I. The cranks suddenly became major athletes, swinging on the staircase's railings and flying towards us. "Go go go go!" A crank reached a withered hand out, clawing on Thomas's leg.

Thinking quick, I picked up a sizable chunk of concrete and wound my arm back. Right as Thomas was trying to shake the crank off, the concrete slammed into the crank's skull. It shit back, lost by gravity and the great canyon. Score! I heard a crowd roar in the background of my mind. That was fucking badass!

"Come on!" Brenda wheezed out, her breathing rough. We slid down the concrete, ready to venture upwards when she locked her hand onto a door's handle, which then promptly fell off.

"Brenda!" I screamed, grappling toward the door she had fallen through. It felt as though I'd fallen with her. The wind and life knocked out of my chest.

She slipped down the floor of a room in the building, her back landing square on a gigantic window pane. Cracks rooted around her prone figure, a deer in headlights look smacked across her resilient face.

"Brenda!" Thomas centered himself in the doorframe, holding himself up on the outsides. "You okay?!"

"Oh my God Thomas...oh my God...oh my God!" I squeezed his arm tight, partially surprised my grip didn't tear through his sleeve of clothing.

"Yeah!" Brenda replied weakly to Thomas's question, spinning her head to catch sight of where she'd come down to.

"Y/n you stay here, okay." Thomas ordered to me, sweating profusely through his shirt. He then turned his attention back to Brenda. "Alright, hang on! I'm gonna find a way down!"

"Keep still Brenda!" Came loudly from my mouth. The girl pressed a hand on the glass, erupting an explosion of minuscule cracks. I had joined in on the shouting, grasping onto the frame of the doorway. "Just don't move!" If she moved she'd be done for. Just like the crank.

She didn't listen, too captured by human terror to have any sense. Brenda shakily stood up, fissures popping from beneath her. Thomas used the door to help himself down to Brenda, skimming the rest of the way down on the concrete.

"Hey, come on." I heard from down below, Thomas reaching out to her as she jaggedly breathed. "Come on Brenda, grab my hand."

(Song: I Want Candy-The Bow Wow Wow)

For a moment it looked as if he was going to save her, but then I heard a barreling inhumane shriek from behind me. A crank barreled through the doorway, kicking me in my face as it whizzed through the sharp air.

"Fuck!" My hand shot to my nose, blood spurting out of it. "That fucking bitch!" Pain crushed itself into my inner face, radiating heat on the swell of my skin. When I brought my hand away from my face, ruby colored blood dripped from the tips of my fingers. "My face!" I cried pitifully, cupping my face vainly. "Not my face!"

Screams between the crank and Thomas and Brenda bounced off of each other from below. Still clutching my blood covered face, I crawled my way back over to peer through the doorframe. Filled with a rage that truthfully stemmed from vanity and pride, I slid down.

Now the crank could be entertained by a new person, one with delicious blood oozing from her nose. What's not to like?

It faltered on it's attack with Brenda, snarling and leaping toward me. What it did not know about was the long sharp piece of metal I had ready to go behind me in the palm of my blood soaked hand.

With a splintering, fit of rage fueled scream, I brought the sharp blade forward and burrowed it into the crank. It stood still, gurgling, black sludge dribbled from it's mouth.

Unsatisfied, I ripped it back, just to stab the crank again and again and again and again and again and again. Every time I impaled it, the action would give me a sickening high. It almost felt as good as sex.

With one final violent skewering into the creature's head, I drew back with a huff, wiping off the blood and sludge from my face as though I was cleaning up my makeup.

"Holy fuck y/n." Thomas looked me up and down with a look of fear and...was that awe? "Holy fuck."

"You're fucking insane." Brenda said shakily, a grin creeping up her face. "That was hot as fuck."

"Well," I wiped my hands on the front of my clothes. My bubbly personality returned itself to me, a cute smile to accompany it. "That was refreshing!"

𝐒𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋//𝐆𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐘𝐗𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐑Where stories live. Discover now