Everything is fine 😁😁😁🥲

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Y/n's Point Of View:

I arose earlier than the rest. It was hard to sleep without him but Victor had made a good substitute. Truthfully I really didn't remember anything. How I got in a bed, limbs tangled with a red haired boy.

Everything I had to my recollection was: I'd been shot by Gally on accident, I'd woken up in between my stupor in a medical wing, and now all of my friends were fast asleep in a great warehouse like room. Cool.

The dream that had occurred last night was so real I knew it had to have been once upon a time. I was getting memories back somehow. Very slowly but still they trickled into my psyche.

Still I had an inkling of doubt and wanted to see if the dream had really happened. A peacefully sleeping Victor was laying beside me. Completely ready for me to test the theory out on him. Only one way to find out, right?

Picking up the covers very carefully as to not wake him, I peeled back his share of them. He slept with his shirt off. Huh, never knew that about him. Even though his skin was out for me to see, I was still stunned when I saw them.

Burn marks. Faded. All strewn about on the expanse of his chest. They were a light pinkish now and strangely shiny. A far cry from the original painful blisters. I would have never known.

Every time we had been permitted a day in the glade's cooling pond Victor always wore a shirt. Not bothering to strip and show off. Well that wasn't true. He definitely tried to show off, in other ways.

His scars made me wonder what that other punishment had been. What had they done to him that was worse than having your flesh burned? What did they do to get him to leave me alone? The way things are looking with my dreams I trusted that an answer would come soon enough.

Now, what to do now? Wake someone up. Wake everyone up. Do something crazy. Gally was dead. He had shot me. I held him. We were done. What more was there to say? It didn't matter to me anymore. Nothing really did. It was best to get over it. No use in moping around.

So that's why I rolled out of bed. A bright shiny smile on my face.

"Good morning!" I didn't bother to hide my cheeriness, clapping my hands loudly. "Time to get up comrades!" Boys stirred around, a couple groaning here and there. "Come on! There's no time like the present and the present is now! Each day is a gift and today is a marvelous beautiful gift!"

"Shut up!" One kid put his pillow on the back of his head to muffle my voice. Rude.

"How can I shut up on a beautiful day like today?!" Twirling around, I fell back onto my bed. Landing next to a woken up Victor, pitted in a fit of giggles.

"Well you're cheerful this morning." No pick up line or pet name. That was strange. His hair was messy in the morning, flying in all different directions.

"Why wouldn't I be?" I grinned, starting to comb it out. Running my fingers through his hair. "Today is a new day. A new beginning. A fresh start." Finally the flyaways had been tamed, leaving his hair perfectly suitable.

"You could've slept in, you know." Victor rubbed his eyes, slightly groggy from the morning. "The people told us last night that we couldn't come out of the room till they came and got us."

"Well I don't care." I stretched my arms out till they bumped the top bunk above us. "If the sky's awake then I'm awake. Now I can just get first dibs on the bathroom."

𝐒𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋//𝐆𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐘𝐗𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐑Where stories live. Discover now