Gorl interrupted homage grrrr

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Y/n's Dream Sequence:

Here I was again, in the Milky Way of my memories. My dream was fuzzy, adjusting like a camera until my vision came to a clear focus.

I didn't read the book. At least I didn't for a while. Teresa had dropped her book when she dashed out of my room, pissed from our fight. I stood there with the little black book in my hands, my fingers running over the leather cover.

Teresa was my best friend. Even if she had been weird lately by hanging out with Thomas all the time. They were always exchanging whispers. They had secrets I was not to be a part of. It was their thing. Not mine.

Teresa had especially been spending her time with Ava, trailing along with her throughout her work shift. She was given more privileges from Ava, more access, more responsibility than ever before. She was distant, but she was my best friend.

So I let that book alone, burying it deep within a junk drawer in my dresser. I didn't want to violate her privacy. It wasn't just a book. This was her diary. I don't think there could be anything more girlish and secret.

It stayed hidden in that drawer when Teresa mostly kept her distance from me, especially after we'd kissed. It stayed hidden when she asked me if I knew where it was, and when she started flinching and scurry along faster when I'd call her name. Instead it was Gally who influenced me to read it.

"Come on y/n." He was sprawled out onto my bed, his flannel pajama pants and bare chest on top of the sheets. "Aren't you curious."

"Extremely." I said, chewing my nails. I was next to him on the bed, sitting while he was laying down. "But Teresa's my-"

"Your best friend." Gally rolled his eyes, finishing my sentence with a grumble. "I know I know. You've only said that a million times before." He scooted himself up to sit next to me. "I thought I was your best friend."

I giggled, shifting around in my nightgown to be closer to him. My hand set itself on his, feeling like it had been dunked in a pot of hot water. I didn't dare move it. I enjoyed the feeling far too much.

"No. You're more than that. Far more than that."

Gally's face fell against the headboard. So did mine. We stared at each other. Soft artificial light warmed up his face, redder than usual.

"Why do you like me?" He spoke lowly, a soft voice. He stroked my hand delicately as he asked. "No girls like me."

"I don't know why I like you I just do." A smile heated up my face, curving my lips up nicely. Gally seemed to like that.

"What would you say if I kissed you?" He was being brave, impulsive, his eyes flickering around my own eyes and lips. I was pleased, dimples denting my skin when I smiled too hard.

"I don't know, you'd have to kiss me first."

"Guess that means there's only one way to find out." Gally whispered. My heart thumped against my rib cage, it desperately wanted to escape and jump onto him.

He slid his head against the headboard, drawing himself closer to me. We were close. Breathing each other's exhales.

"Guess so." I gave a small gasp when his lips touched mine, as if I couldn't believe he'd actually done it. My body burned all across it's skin, breath lurching from the hitch in my throat. He kissed me like a boy. Then he pulled away.

"They were right." Gally gazed at the cool sheets beneath us. "It does feel nice. That was my first-"

I grabbed his face, kissing him. It was my turn to cut him off. When I finished my peck, I retreated as I was supposed to.

𝐒𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋//𝐆𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐘𝐗𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐑Where stories live. Discover now