Body - Mother Mother

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Narrator's Point Of View:

The troupe of teenagers were shoved into a room where mountains of food awaited them. They ate and ate to their heart's content. Still a gnawing hole was felt in each of them. As good as the food had been. As fun as it had been to be kids for just a few moments as they indulged in a juvenile food fight. She was not there. Y/n was missing. Her absent banter made the room feel emptier. Not whole.

Together they clustered together on spare bags of rice, tables, the cold cement floor. Anywhere they could find a seat. Silent, till Chuck brought up what they were all thinking.

"Do you think y/n's gonna be okay?" He pulled one of his curls till it had reached it's limit, letting it spring back to it's coiled form. The boy had been horribly ridden with stress.

Everyone still had the image of Chuck prying y/n's body off of Gally burned into their memory. How he sobbed into her blood soaked shirt, pushing her hair back as he cradled her corpse. She was dead. Until she wasn't.

Strange men had burst into laboratory, herding the surviving gladers to their helicopter. Taking y/n. Leaving Gally.

The suited up men were freaked when they saw what had happened to y/n. Immediately stripping them of their shirt to start the bullet removal process. Chuck held their hand the whole time. Counting their fingers over and over when the operation made him too squeamish.

Minho numbed himself as he looked out of the helicopters window, barely able to swallow the guilt of what he'd done. He watched y/n crawl with every last bit of life they had to get to Gally. Their lover. The one he had killed.

The spear had flown out of his hands. It had been his doing. He had just been trying to keep everyone safe. Gally had gone rabid and Minho had done it on impulse. Any other person would've done the exact same thing, right?

"Y/n's going to be fine Chuck." Newt reassured, stretching out his filled up stomach. "Did you see how many doctors came to get them? What did they say to you after they ran into that tree when they came to the glade."

"You can't get rid of me that easy." Chuck answered, milking the memory. Y/n's blood stained his own clothes and skin. Becoming a part of him.

"Right, she's a menace to society. She has to survive so she can cause chaos." Newt reasoned, patting the boy on his back. "I'm sure they'll give her the best drugs and when she gets back she'll be bragging about how high she got."

"I miss her." Teresa confessed, hugging her knees. "I've barely known her but things seem off without her." A chorus of agreement filled the warehouse like room they were trapped in.
They missed her. They all did.

But where was she?

"Wake up." A Doctor Crawford loomed over the cot they had set y/n in, clipboard in hand. "Honey, we need you to wake up." The woman pressed on, glancing down at y/n's partially open eyes. They were glazed, blurred over. "You're good to go. All fixed up. Don't you want to see your friends?"

This got a visceral reaction from y/n. Indiscernible words falling from the girl's mouth. She blinked, dissociated but allowed the Doctor to guide her out of bed.

"Where are they?" Is the only thing y/n said that made clear sense.

"Come on Honey, I can take you to them." The lady took her by the hand and led her out the room. A bleached perfume wafting in the air. Together they strolled along. Y/n being led like a faithful puppy dog. Docile. A ghost of who she was.


"First things first, let's do something about that smell." The newly introduced Mr. Janson said as he looked warmly upon the filthy looking children.

The group had been told by the man that this palace of a structure was a refuge. A home between homes till they could find the kids a place to stay.

"Where's y/n?" Chuck asked the ratty looking man, anxious to find the girl. To be by his friends side.

"Y/n has been moved to your group's dorm." Janson's lip twitched, his eyes piercing into the boy. "She is stable and well and patiently awaiting your arrival." She was well?! Chuck's worries melted away. He had to see her. Find her now.

"Where is that? Can we go there now?" Question after earnest question left his lips. The boy couldn't help it. He had to ensure y/n was okay. Be wherever she was.

"After your shower's." Janson smiled toothily, chuckling at Chuck's star eyed face. So innocent. So pure. Ripe for the taking. "You'll be permitted a short visit before being taken to medical unit. We need to get a few labs done and then you'll be off to bed." He explained, showing the way to the showers. "Y/n is permitted to stay with her original group because of an lack of beds in the girls dormitories." The man ruffled Chuck's hair roughly. Not in a loving way like how y/n did it. It was strange and foreign to Chuck, making him recoil.

How he wished to see his friend again.

When Chuck got to the showers, he attempted to take one as swiftly as possible but not before peeling off his shirt and methodically folding it up. It had y/n in it. He had to keep the cloth safe. Besides, y/n would think it was a cool souvenir when he saw them later.

Victor felt y/n's disappearance in the root of his bones. He missed the curve of their hips. Their smart ass attitude. As he scraped dirt off himself all he could think about was how he thought they had been gone. How he would've lost not only Paul but y/n too...he began to scrub faster.

They were taken to their dormitory. Everyone feeling at least a tad of excitement. To see her shining smirk turned smile. When the door was finally opened by a guard, the ex gladers burst through. Chattering among themselves when they entered, a warm feeling bubbling in the kids stomach's.

"Y/n?" Chuck darted around the bunk beds, searching around for the girl. "Y/n where are you?!" He laughed, turning a corner to find y/n huddled in a corner. A crying y/n. One with tears spattered across her face. Her wreath of hair knotted into a birds nest. Her skin covered with a thick film of grime. The doctor's focus was only the bullet. Not bothering to care for her. "Y/n?" Chuck hesitantly approached her, a hand faltering in the space between them.

"Where's Gally?" She lifted her head, looking up at her friends. "Where is he?" Minho fought the heaviness crashing down onto him. Teresa pushed past the others, crouching to meet y/n's level.

"Y/n let's go wash you up." She spoke softly, rubbing the girl's arm with a tenderness. "Let's go." Teresa helped them up, taking them by the hand and leading them through the small crowd of boys. The others dispersed, murmuring about y/n. Leaving Chuck in the corner. Alone. Holding the bloody shirt. Heart broken.


Teresa turned the water in one of the showers on, flipping it to a comforting warmth. She started with y/n's shirt, propping their arms up. Sliding the shirt off, she spotted the bandage holding them together at the seams.

That was where the bullet entered. Where the boy who had kissed on y/n inflicted pain. Letting it start by their right hip and fester to their heart. Rotting in their bloodstream. Not a physical infection. An emotional one.

Popping the button off of y/n's pants, Teresa tugged them down. Instructing them to step out of the bunched up material. They did. She unclasped y/n's bra next, exposing their breasts. She thought taking away underwear was too invasive so Teresa left it on.

Y/n slid down the tiles wall of the shower, allowing Teresa to wash them. Keeping away from the wound and soaping up the rest. She scrubbed off the hurt, the shattered pieces, as y/n began to sob. Letting everything out. Their cries filtering to the bathroom's pipes. To where else but the glader's dorm.

Her agonizing wails bubbling out and filling the room the boys occupied. Feeding right into Minho.

Every slight weeping sound piercing into him. Stabbing into his heart. Crawling among his guilty skin. Down to his hands. The one's that had Gally's blood on them. Forever. Imprinted into the boy. Gally's soul was latched onto him.


𝐒𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋//𝐆𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐘𝐗𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐑Where stories live. Discover now