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CHARACTERS - This is just to introduce the main players.

Shay Knight

29 years old

Parents: Blaze aka Brianna Knight (former mc Hell's Devils MC queen)

Red aka Dwayne Knight (King /president of all MC and Hell's Devil's)

Occupation: Psychiatrist

Specialty Guns & Knives.

Red aka Dwayne Knight

60 years old

Daughter - Shay Knight

Stepsons - JC Chance & Ryan

King/president all MC and Hell's Devils

Married to Karley aka Big Momma

Specialty- Guns & Knives

Jamess aka JC Chance (goes by JC)

32 years old

Parents - Karley aka Big Mama Knight

Stepfather - Red Knight

VP of Hell's Devil's MC

Specialty - Guns


32 Years old

Hell's Devils MC member

Married to Bobbi-Lynn

Specialty - Guns.


33 years old

Hell's Devils Member MC

Engaged to Viper

Specialty - Guns.

Karley aka Big Mama Knight

50 years old

Children - JC and Ryan

Married to Red Knight

Specialty - Guns and knives


25 years

Hell's Devils MC Tech

Has no family

Speciality - Computers

Loren - ( Will be introduce a little later)

35 years

Parents - Karley aka Big Mama

Stepfather - Red

Married to Diamond and formally engaged to Bobbi-Lynn

Specialty - Guns.

Diamond -( Will be introduce a little later)

29 years old

Married to Ryan formally engaged to JC.


31 years old

Mc of Hell's Devils

Engage to Tank.

Specialty - Guns & Knives.


31 years old

MC member of Hell's Devils

Specialty – Gun & Knives.


30 Years old

MC princes of Snakes

Parents - Lynn and Snake (MC president, wants nothing to di with her)

Has this on again and off again relationship with JC. Wants to be the next MC queen and nothing will stand in her way of getting JC and what she wants.

Best friend is Harper.


29 years old

Snakes MC member

Best friend with Destiny

Engaged to Beast VP of Snakes MC.


33 years old

Snakes MC VP

Engage to Harper

Specialty – Guns


61 Years old

Daughter - Destiny

Snakes MC President

Specialty – Guns

Hell's Devils MC QueenWhere stories live. Discover now