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The Plan - Part One


I had been at the club bar for an hour now drinking my beer knowing I had to make this call. I had to convince Destiny to meet me here at the club bar where Shay would be waiting. I signed and pulled out my phone and dialed the last number I had for Destiny and was surprised when she answered on the first ring.

CALL: JC I never thought I would hear your voice again baby.

CALL: Destiny where are you?

I needed to find a way to lore her in our trap. I wanted to lore her right into Shay's waiting hands.

CALL: JC I fucked up bad.

I hear her cry on the other end I could use this to my advantage and I know how.


I use her nick name as endearment. I wanted her to trust me and think I care about what happens to her to get her here. "

CALL: D, we have a lot to talk about and you owe me answers.

I need to play on her guilt make her think she owed me something

CALL: Your right JC I owe you a lot of answers

I hear her sign into the phone and I know right then she played into my hands.

CALL: Fine JC I will meet you at the club bar in 30 minutes we can talk then. Make sure you are alone.

CALL: Don't worry Destiny the club and Red don't even know I am calling you. your safe with me.

CALL: Good.

is all she says and ends the call and I smile with satisfaction. Destiny fell for the trap.

TEXT: Destiny is on the way.

I text Shay. Seconds later I get a ping back from Shay with a evil emoji face.

TEXT : Perfect 😈.

30 minutes later I felt her touch my arms and Destiny sits down beside me.

"Hey baby".

"You came". I drink my beer.

"I was surprise you called I didn't think would after everything I did".

She touches me again and it repulsed me. I don't want this bitch touching me but it's all part of the plan to make her feel comfortable and make her think I am interested again.

"I am sorry about everything JC. Everything I did was for us. For us to be together". She takes my beer and takes a swig.

"So It's true then the baby wasn't mine?" I had to keep her comfortable until Shay gave me the signal.

"It's true JC I lied about the baby's paternity". She takes another swig of my beer. "I lost the baby my karma for all my miss deeds". She laughs bitterly.

"I am sorry Destiny I would have been there if I knew". I up the ante and embrace Destiny as she cries not realizing the trap that was set for her.

"We can start over JC. We can leave New Orleans and start new and have that family we always wanted". She looks up at me with tears in her eyes. little does she know that this is the last thing I want, but I say what she wants to hear.

"Let's do it baby". I say. "After everything that happen, Shay left me. You were right Destiny she couldn't handle the MC life". I lay it on thick and she actually believes my lies.

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