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It was a little after midnight when the taxi pulls up outside my childhood home. The front door flings open, and nana is standing there with a big smile on her face. I get out of the taxi as the taxi man takes my suite cases out of the trunk and puts them on the driveway. I go up and give nana a hug and she hugs me back tight. I paid and thanked the taxi man for his help he nods his head thank you, and goes on his way.

"So, baby girl what do I owe this wonderful surprise." Nana helps me with my suite cases inside.

"Can't a granddaughter come home and visit her favourite nana."

"I am your only nana, come on I have your old room made up for you." She laughs helping me carry my suite cases upstairs to my old room.

Wow nothing has changed since I left. I put my suite cases down. My old room I thought is still the same, only thing different is nana change my bed to a queen size bed. I used to spend a lot of time in this room when I was teenager nana didn't change a thing except now, I have a queen size bed I smiled.

"I never touched anything in your room baby, I left everything as you left it."

Thanks nana, I see I have a queen size bed now. I laugh. I loved this woman so much. Nana has always been there for me when I needed her. Nana will drop everything for me at the drop of a hat if I was in trouble. I was in trouble a lot these past couple of years.

"Come on baby girl you're going to tell me why your really here, I will pour us a glass of wine." Of course nana know me well. Nana and I head down to the kitchen.

"Ok baby what is going on?"

Nana takes out to two wine glasses from the cupboard and places then on the island while she opens a bottle of chardonnay, pours me a glass and hands it to me.

"Where do I start." I sign taking a sip of my wine.

"How about at the beginning sweetheart." Nana sits and takes a sip of her wine.

"Well, I have been in New Orleans I have finally met my father .".

I could tell nana didn't like the fact I met my father. Red was always a sore sport for her ever since I was a child and before and after mama's sudden death.

"What did Red have to say for himself?" Nana says coldly showing no emotions. She really hated my father.

I explained everything to nana, from being almost kidnapped by Axel at the night club and how I was saved by JC and the Hell's Devils MC. I also explained to nana of the heart to heart I had with my father and how I forgive him because that is what mama would have wanted me to do. I even told nana about my conflicting feelings for JC. After I finished explaining everything to nana tears weld up in her eyes, she comes over to me and hugs me so tight she couldn't believe all that I had gone through and still going through.

"Oh, baby I am so sorry." Nana continues to hold me

"Nana I am here I am safe." I break away from her embrace.

"I Know your safe baby; I just can't help thinking about what could have happen." Nana goes back to drinking her wine

I try not to think about what could have happened because it scares me to even think it. what if Axel's plan on kidnapping me really did work. What if JC, Tank and Gunner weren't there that night. No, I don't want to think about it.

"Nana I came here to not think, I Just want to get back to normal or at least some sense of normal." I sip my wine

"Do you want company? Just say the word baby I will cancel my trip with the girls."

"I can't ask you to do that nana." I say. "You and the girls have been planning this trip for over a year You were so excited about visiting Italy. Don't you dare cancel this trip."

"Are you sure baby? It looks like you need me more." Nana starts to stroke my hair.

"No Nana, enjoy your trip I will be fine. I actually think I need this time alone. I smile." Nana deserves this trip who was I to ruin it with my drama as always.

"Ok than baby girl, then I am off to bed the airport shuttle will be here by 9 tomorrow morning." Nana finishes her wine and puts the glasses in the sink.

"Ok Nana, thanks for the talk." I smile getting up from the island.

"Shay." Nana calls softly.

"Yeah nana."

"These feelings you have for this JC I know you will work them out." She hugs me one last time and heads up to bed.

I hope nana is right I thought to myself as I shut off the kitchen lights and headed up to bed.

Hell's Devils MC QueenWhere stories live. Discover now