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The next morning I was on the phone talking to Ace the president of the Skulls MC. Loren and Diamond ran with the Skulls when they left Hell's Devils. I wanted to know if Ace knew anything.

CALL: So you haven't heard from Loren before or after he went into prison?

CALL: Sorry Red I haven't heard from Loren since his arrest 2 years ago.

CALL: What about Diamond?

CALL: She left right after Loren went in. I heard she had a kid though.

CALL: Ok Ace, Thanks man.

CALL: Always a pleasure Red.

I end my conversation with Ace and I was fucking frustrated back at square fucking one with no leads on Loren. Where the fuck could he be? I hear a knock on the door.

"Come in". I growl.

"Hey Red". Tanner walks in.

"You must be happy, JC is back...huh?"

"Huh.." I grunted.

"Sorry, we were suppose to meet up yesterday I got busy with club business".

"No prob Red. So I tried looking into the number that Unknown called from and it's the first time I couldn't work my magic. This unknown is good I give them that. I think there is someone better then me out there".

"No one is better than you Tanner". I lean back in my chair.

"Thanks Red. I believe that is the nicest thing you have ever said to me...I think". Tanner smiles.

"Don't get use to it Tanner". I smile back.

"I am going to unmask this Unknown Red if it's the last thing I do. I will find my competition and show them who the real hacker is". I continue to smile because I know Tanner will not eat or sleep until he brings down this Unknown and unmask them.

"So I've been tracking Loren so to speak and his last location I could find was Oklahoma after that he is off the grid but I am still looking though".

"Thanks Tanner. Keep working your magic".

Tanner nods his head and leaves. I couldn't help but wonder who is this Unknown and what are they capable of.



I always loved New Orleans such a lively city at night as I watched the tourist and population of the city people down below. I was on the balcony looking out at the city night when my phone rings, I go inside to answer it.

CALL: Loren I was hoping to hear from you. How is life on the outside?

CALL: Wonderful thanks to you and I don't even know your name. I don't even know how to thank you man.

CALL: No thanks needed Loren. As I said when we first met 2 months ago I am here to help.

CALL: Like my guardian angel as you put it.

CALL: Yes actually.

With my own agenda I thought. I smile knowing everything will soon fall into place once my partner gets here.

CALL: I have some good news for you Loren.

CALL: I am listening.

CALL: I have on good authority that your wife and son are on their way to New Orleans your old stomping ground.

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