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As I got ready the next morning for my doctor's appointment I couldn't help but be pissed. I was suck between a rock and a hard place. If Big Mama and JC find out when this child is due they will know without a doubt that Beast and I were together and my plan to get JC back will fall apart and I can't have that. I need to come up with a plan I need to find a way to get out of seeing Jillian. There was knock on the door when Mike the club treasurer barges in.

"Destiny Your father wants to see you now".

'Why? Daddy never wants to see me."

"Well he does now I wouldn't keep him waiting". He grins. What does he know I thought.

"Fine" I sign annoyed and stormed out of my room.

I went to my father's office to see what he wanted and seconds later I was standing outside his door and I knocked.

"Come in Destiny". He barks.

I went in and closed the door behind me. He looked mad and pissed, I was afraid.

"You called me daddy." I said bored.

Out of nowhere daddy backhands me so hard I fell to the ground, putting my hand on my cheek.


"Daddy What are you talking about". rubbing my aching cheek, getting up.


I didn't say anything. What could I say, I set up Shay. I know what I was doing when I carried out my plan. My plan has now fallen apart and now I need daddy to help me disappear until I have my baby.

"Da..ddy let me explain please."

"Where did you get the GHB Destiny?"

"I got the drug from a drug dealer friend in Baton Rouge who owed me favor".

Daddy backhands me again and I thought I saw stars.

"I can't help you this time Destiny. You fucked up by going after Red's daughter and he wants you dead".

I felt pain in my stomach and then it went away just as fast. What was that? I thought scared.

"Do you fucking think I am going to let you fuck up this club's partnership with Hell's Devils because you are fucking jealous of his daughter. you fucking ungrateful bitch. Just like your fucking mother a whore, never thinking".

I have tears in my eyes. How could my own father compare me to my whore of a mother. I know now my father really hates me and won't help me now. What the fuck I am I going to do? Everything Is crashing down around me and... I felt the pain again full force the pain in my abdomen was excruciating.

"You personally went after Red's daughter and that is a personal attack on Red and Hell's Devils. Did you even think before you drugged his fucking daughter?" He yelled in my face. " Of course not. you are nothing but a fucking problem I was stuck with since the day you were born always causing problems for me and my club."

"Da..d..d..y." I call out crying. The pain was becoming unbearable.

"I should have forced Lacy to get rid of you the moment she showed up pregnant. All my problems would have gone away.

"Daddy please help me".

I see the bloody liquid coming down my pants. Oh no the baby, was my last thought before I passed out.

Hell's Devils MC QueenWhere stories live. Discover now