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"Are you sure ma?" I should be happy about Diamond being dead but I was feeling all sorts of things. She was the mother of my son. Oh fuck, Kyle. What will I tell Kyle?

"Yeah I am sure baby. We found her dead at the hotel she was hiding out at". Ma signs. "Someone got to her first".

"Do you think it was Unknown who her killed?"

"It's possible Loren."

"Fuck Ma, this is a fucking mess".

"Whatever Diamond knew about Unknown and Shay's accident it died with her". Ma says frustrated."We needed what Diamond knew".

"How do I tell Kyle ma? He is to young to understand what is happening. How can I tell him that his mother is never coming home again."

Ma hugs me and honestly that is what I need. I have a uphill battle I have to fight. I have to tell my son his mother is dead and he's only two years old. How am I going to do this?

"I will be there with you Loren we will tell him together". Ma hugs me again. As much as it pains me to have to tell my son his mother is dead I am also glad it's finally finish with Diamond. I now know what a manipulated bitch she really was. Should I really be calling the kettle black when I manipulated her first.

"What ever happens Loren I am here for you and Kyle".

"Thanks Ma".

Now I have to go and tell my son that his mommy is never coming back.



I didn't get where I am by being soft and stupid. I was using D just like he was using me and I had my own plans. I almost felt sorry for Shay, seeing her hook up to all these machines, fighting for her life, but then again there is no love lost between my sister and I. She was what D was doing all this for, What made Shay so special? I thought in disgust. Although Shay was cover in cuts and bruises she looked so much like her our mother, the woman I would never know. I get angry again.

"Oh hello". A nurse walks in surprised to see me.

"Hello." I say sweetly.

"I'm just checking Ms. Knights vitals and the heart rate of the babies. Are you family?"

"You could say that?"

"Well Ms. Knight is a fighter just like her babies." The nurse writes something on her chart.

"Will she pull through?" I ask, giving the impression like I care.

"The doctor's are hoping the swelling on her brain goes down or they might have to operate to relieve the pressure." She says sadly.

" I hope she pulls through". I give her a sad look.

"Me too." The nurse writes one last thing on her chart and leaves.

I bend down and whisper in Shay's ear "I look forward to the day that we meet each other Shay". I smile.

"Excuse me, Who the hell are you? And what are you doing in baby girl's room?"

An older looking attractive woman walks into Shay's room and she is not happy That I am here. She does have my mother's eyes and I wonder who she is.

"I said who the hell are you?"

"I'm no one". I say leaving.



Hell's Devils MC QueenWhere stories live. Discover now