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Who the fuck were those tattoo bikers anyway? They weren't on my intel about this girl the boss wanted me to follow.

I thought I saw my life flashed before my eyes when I saw them approaching me with their guns The boss isn't going to fucking like this. who ever these new players are.

As soon as I saw their guns, I high tailed it out of there as fast as I could drive and didn't look back.

My one job was to locate the girl for the boss and report back on what I found, and I would do just that. this was a big job with a big pay cut. I glanced at her picture on the car seat... And I went hard.

Damn the boss's girl is sexy. Now I can see why the boss can't let this beauty go. She is a woman a man can't forget.

"Fuck she's the boss's girl Damien, stop thinking about her" I scold myself. She is off limits I keep telling myself until I believe it or the boss will kill me.

I need to touch base with the boss, let him know I found the girl and let him know of the new players he's up against. I have this nagging feeling these biker bastards are going to become a problem, and I hate problems.

I pull over to the side of the road and take out my phone to make the call. The boss picks up on the first ring.

CALL: Hey boss man I have good news

CALL: Have you found Shay yet?

CALL: Yeah, I have

CALL: Good Damien, I knew you were good for something. Where?

CALL: Arizona Phoenix boss.

CALL: Fuck, are you sure? I hate Arizona.

CALL: Yeah, I'm sure boss saw her with my own eyes. I have to say, she's gorgeous.

CALL: What did you just say? He roars through the phone.

CALL: Uh, nothing boss.

CALL: I thought so Damien.

CALL: boss there is something else.

CALL: What?

CALL: While I was surveilling your girl, I was approached by 3 big biker guys with guns, so I high tailed it out of there quick.

The boss was quiet on the other end for a few seconds. What I just revealed wasn't good news.

CALL: Fuck, this is not good. Did they see your face?

CALL: No boss, they didn't see my face. Like I said I got out of there as fast as I could drive.

CALL: Ok good. sit tight. I'll get some intel on these mother fuckers. I have and inside man, he'll tell me what I need to know. Keep a tail on Shay and fucking stay out of sight will you.

CALL: Yeah boss, got it.

Then I hear the click in my ears, the boss ends the call. I decided to head back to the beauty's office and keep watch as I lay low, like the boss man wants. Fuck I thought, all hell is going to break lose when he get's here. I started the engine and drove off.



The boys and I rode down a nice long driveway that was Shay Knight's house. fuck it was really impressive up close. for a woman in hiding, she really did well for herself I whistle through my teeth amazed at the house staring back at us. even Tank who always has something to say was speechless.

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