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It was late into the evening when I stopped packing and decided to call Grace. I know Grace would be happy to know I was coming home. I call Grace and she picks up on the first ring.

CALL: Hey babe.

CALL: Hi Grace.

I was so happy to hear Grace's voice it has been days since we last spoken.

CALL: It has been days since we last spoke Shay, Daniel and I have been worried.

I hear the worry and concern in her voice. But it is still not safe.

CALL: Im sorry Grace it has been a crazy couple of days.

I plop down on the bed frustrated and annoyed

CALL: I called to tell you I am coming home.

CALL: Really.

I hear the relief in her voice. Since I have been gone she has been really worried.

CALL: That is the best news I heard heard all day.

I smile, Grace and I have known each other for 4 years and she is the greatest bestfriend a girl could ask for . She has known and seen what I have been through and if the roles have been reversed, I would have said the same thing.

CALL: I wont be coming home right away Grace I am stopping off in Colorado first.

CALL: I'm assuming to see nana.

she laughs on the other end.

CALL:Yeah, to see nana and to go home.

CALL: All Jokes aside Shay, how are you really babe?

I wasn't sure how to answer Grace's question because I really wasn't sure how I was feeling yet. I know the situation was complicated and I wasn't sure what I was supposed to do.

CALL: It's complicated.

Is all I can say right now. I just wasn't ready to explain things to her.

CALL: I did patch things up with my father.

CALL: Ok wow, is he everything you thought he was?

CALL: He was definitely not what I expected but we did talk, and I understand him more you could say.

CALL: So, girl I have some exciting news.

Grace is filled with so much excitement she is bursting at the seams.

CALL: Tell me girl, tell me.

I laugh reveling in her excitement.

CALL: Ok ok, Daniel finally propose to me last night.

She practically screams on the other end.

CALL:OH MY GOD GIRL CONGRATS!!! I told you he would didnt I?

I am so happy for her she is finally getting her man and getting the life she deserves.

CALL:After what happened to you at the club and I couldnt find you, he was so supportive and was there for me, we realized how much we loved each other.

CALL:God you should see the ring Shay, its fucking gorgeous.

We both laugh It was so good to hear how happy she is.

CALL: I want you to be my maid of honor Shay I will not take no for an answer.

CALL: Already bridezilla.

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