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I was sitting in the club bar having a beer with the boys as they informed me on our recent shipment.

"Everything went smooth with the shipment boys?"

"Yeah Red" Tanks grunts, drinking his beer. "The Reapers were happy and shit".

"Good to hear boys".

" Carlos gives his regards said can't wait for you to make it out to Los Angeles". Gunners drinks his beer.

"Of course he does little fucker". I laugh drinking my beer.

"So JC is back boys"

"No fucking way". Tank stops drinking his beer mid way.

"I'm serious. He came to see me."

"Shit." Gunner grunts.

"How's princess?"

"Sucker punched the bastard Tank". I chuckled at the memory. "I have never been so proud".

"It hurt like fucking hell too". JC comes and joins me and the rest of the boys.

"Can I get a beer Rex".

"Coming up JC".

Rex puts JC's beer down and leaves. JC take a swig of his beer.

"Welcome back bro, but you fucking deserved it". Tank and Gunner laugh.

"You fucked up bro".

"I know brothers, I fucked up big, but it's good to be back".

My queen takes a seat next to me and I could see she was not happy and I wonder why?

"What's up my queen?"

"Ma?" JC says with concern. My queen takes my beer and chugs it.

"I got a very interesting call earlier from a caller named Unknown. Caller claims to be a friend, but I don't trust it". She takes another chug of my beer.

"That makes no sense Big Mama". Tank signs.

"The caller did tell me something interesting, about Loren".

"What about Loren, ma".

"The caller told me that Loren was in prison and Diamond is the one who sent him there. I saw the proof."

"What a bitch. but why? what drove her to do that to Loren?" Gunner was on to something. Why would Diamond set Loren up? What would that accomplish, unless JC was the reason.

"I think I have an idea Gunner." I drink my beer Rex puts down another beer in front of me. "JC fit's into this some how".

"The caller hinted at that too Red".

"Ma, how can you trust anything that caller has to say".

"Because everything the caller has told me has been the truth and it makes sense why you left".

"It's seems this unknown caller has the same information that Tanner was able to find.

Wait, what? you fucking knew about this Red and didn't fucking tell me? you knew my son was in prison and kept that info from me". Shit I am in trouble now. I was going to tell Karley but I wanted to know more first.

"Baby I was going tell you when I had more info from Tanner first".

"Well it fucking seems that Diamond is stupid enough to come back to New Orleans with my grandson. The caller wanted to warn me".

Hell's Devils MC QueenWhere stories live. Discover now