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"Ahh...this is so cute Shay you need to buy these onesies". Bobbi-Lynn shows me the cutest little baby onesies ever. The girls and I came to a nice store called Once Upon a baby and they had a lot of cute baby stuff especially for twins.

"Yes they are cute and I am buying them all".


I laugh as Bobbi-Lynn squeals with delight.

"Maybe I should have a baby too If I can get this much excitement out of Bobbi-Lynn". Viper chuckles.

"Could Tank handle that?"

We all laugh and look at more baby stuff and I decided on this other cute baby onesies I like for the twins.

"Shay is right Viper. Could Tank even handle himself?'"

We all laugh again. Spending time with them has ment a lot to me, normal.


"Yes I am ready I am going to buy all of these". I smile.

"Yes, the auntie has done her job".

After making my purchases me and the girls go out to lunch. The girls and I arrive at an Italian bistro restaurant called Mara's on Bourbon Street. As we make our way inside I couldn't help but feel and love the homely vibe and décor of the restaurant, this was a family place I noted. this amazing restaurant was runned by the family. Once the girls and I were seated,when a nice looking waiter cames to take our order.

"Hi and welcome to Mara's what can I get you ladies to drink?"

"Can I get a duff beer for me". Bobbi-Lynn says looking over the menu.

"Ice tea for me...thank you". I smile at him.

"Rum and coke, for me thanks". Says Harper.

"Duff beer for me as well". Smiles Viper.

"Alright ladies I will be back with your drinks". Once he takes our drink order he leaves.

"So? you want to let us in on what happened earlier at the club?" Bobbi-Lynn raises her eyebrows.

"What?" I shrug my shoulders. "There isn't really anything to talk about".

"Oh come on Shay". Viper adds in. "It must have been a shock seeing JC after two months?" The waiter brings our drinks and leaves.

"Is it really over with JC now that you are seeing Liam?" Harper sips her beer.

I sip my ice tea not knowing how to answer this question or if I wanted too. I am starting to have feelings for Liam but I still don't know how I feel. I keep telling myself that I am done with JC and take one step closer to Liam just to take one step back. I am really struggling here, I have already made my decision but I am seconding guessing myself wondering if I made the right decision.

"You clearly said and I quote. You and me are done JC I have moved on". Bobbi-Lynn sips her beer eyeing me and I groan, knowing Bobbi-Lynn is right.

"I know what I said Bobbi-Lynn". I growl.

"Ok calm down girl I was just saying..."

The girls and I order lunch. I ordered the chicken cacciatore, Harper ordered the Ravioli while Viper and Bobbi-Lynn ordered the lasagna with garlic bread. When our lunch comes I really dug into my chicken cacciatore it is so good.

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