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There was a loud knock on my office door and I was pissed at getting disturbed.

WHAT!!" I growled loudly not bothering to look up.

"What the fuck you want I'm busy." I barked looking through the club financials.

I finally looked up from my paperwork and saw Tanner my tech guy who walks into my office.

"Well?" I growled.

I shoot up out my chair ready to beat his mother fucking ass for disturbing me with nothing useful to tell me. All my men and even my queen know not to fucking bother me when I'm in my office when I am working on club financials and my door is closed... Fuck!!!... I am mad.

I sucker punch Tanner right in his jaw. The bastard deserved it for bothering me and pissing me the fuck off.

"Shit Red". He cries out holding his sore jaw.

"What? That's what you fucking deserve for bothering me" I say fuming.

I go back to my desk angrily sitting down.

"You know the fucking rules Tanner. No one bothers me while I'm working on club finances, NO ONE!!!". I shouted.

It's than I see Tanner shrink back in fear like he was afraid to continue. I'm the mother fucking king everyone should be afraid. I laugh.

"I... I. Just thought... You should know Red I found your daughter". Tanner stammered looking scared that I might punch him again.

"Ok, where? ". I asked. After 4 months of trying to find my daughter, I finally got a real location on her. This was unbelievable I thought I would never find her.

"Good work Tanner". I had a wide grin across my face. My anger subsiding a little I was very happy about this news.

"Where is she?".

"Well, thanks Red I wasn't expecting that after you know what happened". He looks nervous.

"Well don't let it go to your fucking head got it! So where is my fucking daughter? Don't make me ask again Tanner I only ask things once". I felt myself losing patience with him.

"Where is she?".

Don't get me wrong Tanner was the best tech I ever had, hell even in the whole country. But sometimes he can be a fucking idiot and right now I just want to fucking deck him.

"So, I just want you to know Red it was really hard finding your daughter as she moved around a lot". He takes out a folder.

"Your fucking point is Tanner".

"My point is, how hard it was to track your daughter". He says handing me the black folder in my hands.

I rolled my eyes letting him know I wasn't in the mood for his shit.

"So Red, I was able to finally track your daughter to Arizona Phoenix. She's been living there under the radar for 4 years now". Tanner looks at me warily.

"WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN TANNER?" I bang my fists on my desk getting all riled up.

I could have sworn that Tanner flinched a little. Hahaha, that never gets old I still got it I can still bring the fear.

"Um... ". He goes silent.

"TANNER!!!". I roared. I was getting really pissed now.

"Ok Red calm down". He puts up his hands in defence backing away a little.

"Fine I am calm I'm calm, but youre trying my patience boy I swear". I flare my nostrils.

"Ok, here goes Red. Your daughter has been in hiding, she is running from her ex, it should all be in the folder I gave you".

As I opened and scanned the information, it had everything I had asked for and more. Tanner had left nothing unturned. The file had her birth certificate as well as her home address, cell number and office address. She is doing well I thought. When I glanced at her medical records, my blood started to boil. The abuse my princess suffered at the hands of this asshole angered and enraged me. This mother fucker is a dead man when I get my hands on him, I thought angrily.

"The ex is one mean mother fucker. He put your daughter in the hospital 5 times Red". Tanner shakes his head.

Hearing Tanner voice what I was already thinking made me even angrier, like I wanted to shoot something or someone. I bang my fists on my desk again and Tanner jumped. I need to find this mother fucker and I need to find him now; I was mad. I want this mother fucker dead.

"Has the fucker ever been convicted? I ask looking Tanner in the eye.

"No boss never. His family is pretty wealthy and well off with the right connections he has always slipped through the cracks". That is what he thinks I thought he hasn't met me yet.



Tanner takes a step back putting his hands through his messy hair.

"What's the plan Red?". He asks.

" JC and the boys should be back late tonight from the San Diego job?". I get up from my desk and start to pace as I get angrier and angrier.

"Church tomorrow then?".

"First thing ." I grumble. "I need to get to Shay before that fucker does."

"One more thing Red I have on good intel that the bastard is looking for her as well. According to my intel he is almost close to finding her".

"Fuck!!!" I put a hand through my already messy gray hair. I had no time to waste I had to acted fast.

" Tanner get everything set up for tomorrow for church we need to act on your intel and fast".

"You got it Red". Tanner gives a nod or his head and takes his leave.

Am I doing the right thing? I wonder. Would she want me in her life? that was the question I was most afraid of.


Hi all so I will be doing some changes, once again on most of the chapters and still sticking with original story as I had written it. As a writer I am always changing the scenes and the characters as I think more creatively. I do hope you all will like the changes that I will be making to make the book the way I have envisioned in my head with friendly suggestions from others.


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