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"Red my bad man I won't let It happen again man" Tank says putting his head down in complete shame.

"Good Tank, see that it fucking doesn't or I'll fucking shoot you between the eyes next time". Red takes out his gun and shots Tank missing him by only an inch, Red making his point.

"I think I've made my fucking point". Red smirks putting his gun back in his holster..

"Ok Red I got it I get it." Tank says scared.

I guess that should shut his bitch ass up good, I chuckle.

"So Red, what kind of trouble is princess in?" I ask looking at her picture again and committing her beautiful face and eyes to my memory.

"I was getting to that JC before dipshit over here rudely interrupted me". Red glares at Tank. "As I was saying, in these folders in front of you are important assignments for you boys it explains everything".

"The girl in the picture is my daughter Shay Knight". Red says with love in his voice. "Shay's mother left the club before I even realized she was pregnant with her. I have spent the last two years or so trying to find her and now I have, thanks to Tanner".

"What the fuck Red? What the fuck does your daughter have to do with us".

The rest of the guys stay quiet as I wanted an answer to my question. Why the hell would I risk my life for this girl who I hardly know but can't stop thinking about.

"I think you forget who runs things JC". Red bellows "If I tell you to jump you and the boys fucking jump, understand?"

"Yeah, I understand perfectly Red". I grumble

"I need you and the boys to go to Arizona, based on Tanners intel my princess is in danger and I need her safe". Says Red.

"Shit Red" Gunner says. "Who is after your daughter? Is it a rival Mc?

"Yeah, I mean who would be stupid enough to fuck with you and yours Red" I add. "You are the most feared mother fucker in the whole entire world".

"Your right JC I am but it's not a rival gang".

Then who could it be I thought if not a rival MC. It just didn't make any sense.

"I need my princess safe at the clubhouse where I can protect her from her bastard of an ex".

"Her ex?" Tank and I say confused.

"Shay has been in hiding from her bastard abusive ex. She has been in hiding for the last 4 years now. The mother fucker has put my princess in and out of hospital 5 times and the last time she was put in the hospital she almost didn't survive". Red explains angrily.

"The bastard is looking for her and Tanner has it on good authority that he might have found her". Red slams his fists on the table.

"Red, what does she know about the MC? she might not even want our help". Red needs to see reason. I need to make him understand his daughter might not understand our way of life.

"JC's right Red, Shay might not understand who we are and what we do". Gunner agrees.

I know that is not what he wanted to hear but the reality is his daughter knows nothing about the MC or MC life. She might not except our help or his.

"I DON'T GIVE A SHIT GUNNER; I WANT MY PRINCESS SAFE AND I WANT HER HERE AND I WANT HER NOW". Red roars slamming his fists on the table again.

"Ok Red...Ok". Gunner throws up his hands and shrugs his shoulders.

"Yeah, prez whatever you needed". Tank says.

"We'll make it happen Red". I say not liking the idea but what choice did I really have. Red would not see reason when it came to his daughter.

"Like you boys have a fucking choice in the matter". Red barks "You boys leave for Arizona tonight all agreed?"

"Agreed". I say

"Agreed Red". Gunner says

"Agreed". Tank says

"I want no fuck ups understand. Not with my princess safety". Red barks.

"Got it Red". I say with conviction already knowing what has to be done.

"Uh huh". Gunner grunts.

"Sure Red we will protect her with our lives". Mumbles Tank.

"You boys leave tonight".

"Now the pair of you fuck off church is adjourned, but JC hang back I want to speak with you a minute".

Tanner, Gunner and Tank leave the club circle leaving me behind. I wonder what Red wants to talk to me about, as VP I usually have more responsibility than the rest.

"JC I'm counting on you and the boys to bring back my princess alive and safe". Red says with great sadness.

There is regret there. Red regrets not being there for her growing up it's written all over his face.

"I will Red. I will bring back Shay alive".

Red was trusting me with the most precious thing in his life besides my mother I made a silent promise to protect her with my life or die trying.

"I'm trusting you with my princess and her safety understand? So don't fuck this up".

As I look at her picture again, I couldn't help but be drawn to this girl, her eyes, the most beautiful eyes I have every seen. I haven't even met her yet and she already has my lower extremities going haywire. I have never been this crazy over a woman before, she has me thinking of what I would love to do to those lips. What they would taste like and how I wanted them all over me. Shit I need to stop thinking of Red's daughter and wanting to get her naked.

"I don't know what I would do JC if I lost my princess, I would probably kill every mother fucker I could find".

Red takes me out of my thoughts and I'm grateful because my thoughts were taking me into a very dangerous territory.

"Don't worry Red" I say. "I won't let anything happen to your princess I will protect her with my life" I say meaning it.

"Good to hear, oh one more thing JC, I know your reputation with woman SO STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM MY PRINCESS. DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR?"

"Crystal clear Red. Shay is off limits, got it".

"Good I know I could trust you and you know I don't trust easily especially when it comes to the people I love".

Red hits me on the back in a friendly gesture but I couldn't help wondering if this was a promise I could keep as I was drawn to this gorgeous creature and I couldn't help it. No woman has every had had me tied up this way and it was freaking me out. I know if I couldn't keep this promise, I made to Red about staying away from his daughter I'm a dead fucking man.

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