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The Plan - Part Two


I woke up feeling nauseous. I get out of bed and run for the bathroom, throwing up in the toilet.

"Baby are you ok?" JC asks through the closed door and I know he is concern...fuck. I rise out my mouth and open the door, staring into piercing blue eyes.

"Yeah I'm good now". I walk past him not wanting to open up this conversation again until after I see Jillian and see what's up. Something tells me it's more than just the stomach flu. I think I might be pregnant...shit!!! This is something I am not ready to deal with if I am. Not after everything JC and I been through with Destiny and her lies.

"Baby girl clearly you are not ok. So cut the shit and talk to me please".

Shit what do I even say to him. "Hey JC I think I am pregnant how do you feel about that?" No I can't tell him yet until I know if I am or not.

"Let's not do this right now ok JC. I have things I need to finish". I peck JC lightly on his lips and leave before he can say anything more about it.

I walk into the kitchen and I see Karley drinking her coffee and reading a magazine .

"Morning Karley". I say pouring myself some chamomile tea. For some reason lately the chamomile tea has been soothing my stomach.

"Morning darlin'." She looks up from the magazine.

"You look better. How have you been feeling darlin'?"

Before I could answer my phone rings and I see Jillian's name come up on my caller ID. Shit I have to answer this.

"Sorry Karley I need to take this." I leave the kitchen quickly to take the call.

CALL: Morning Shay I hope I haven't disturbed you?

CALL: Hey Jillian you haven't am I able to see you this morning?

CALL: Sure, I just had a cancellation this morning. Perfect timing.

CALL: Perfect I will see you in 20.

I ended my call with Jillian and went back to the kitchen and was spaced out. Thinking about what I needed to do had me terrified and scared because if I was pregnant this would change my whole life. JC and I wasn't sure if he was ready for that after what he just went though with Destiny and Beast and the whole paternity of a baby that no longer exits. I was so in my own world and thinking of the negative, I didn't hear Karley calling my name.

"Shay darlin' are you sure alright?"

What am I going to do if I am pregnant, What?


I need to see Jillian first and have the pregnancy test done first, get the results then freak out  later. I already know the answer, I have all the symptoms. The nausea, the morning sickness, it all makes perfect sense.



"I've been calling you for the last 5 minutes darlin'. What the hell is going on with you? I am worried. What was that call about Shay?'

"I'm sorry Karley I have to go. I am seeing Jillian in 20 minutes, I am sorry". I leave Karley in the kitchen wondering what my call with Jillian was about.


20 minutes later I was sitting in the examination room getting my blood drawn after peeing in a cup.

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