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One week Later


It has been one week since the attack and JC was shot.

JC was hooked up to all these machines that was keeping him alive. It has been a week and JC still hasn't woken up yet. I missed seeing JC's beautiful blue eyes and that sexy smiles of his. I sat at his bedside holding his hand as I intertwine our fingers together.

I turn my head when I hear the nurse come in.

"I'm sorry sweetie I didn't mean to startle you, I came to check his vitals and drainage bag." She gives me a warm smile. I just nod my head.

When she was done checking JC's vitals and changing his drainage bag, she noted something on his chart. She turns and looks at me with kindness and understanding.

"Sweetie you should go home and get some rest. You have been here everyday since he was brought in a week ago. You need to take care of yourself other wise you can crash on empty."

I must look like fucking hell; I mean I was still healing from my bruises from my fight with Axel.

"I dont want to leave him" I move hair from his face.

I start to cry I feel the tears streaming down my face. I just want JC to come back to me and be ok.

"Your guy is a fighter sweetie he will pull through." She touches my shoulder.

"I'm going to leave you two alone I am sure he will wake up soon." She smiles and leaves the room. I take JC's hand again locking our fingers together.

"Please JC, come back to me I can't live my life without you." I put my head down and close my eyes.

A few hours later I felt hands on my shoulders gently waking me up. I left my head up and it's Karley and daddy, when did they arrive in Colorado.

"When did you all get here?" I rub my tired eyes.

"We rode in a few hours ago princess." My father takes a sit in the chair.

"How is he?" Karley goes over and kisses JC on his forehead.

"The doctors say JC is getting stronger."

My father sees our fingers locked together, but he doesn't say anything he's stone faced, and Karley just smiles.

"Shay you should get some rest princess, when was the last time you had anything to eat? Baby girl." My father get's up from the chair and hugs me.

"I can't leave him daddy, I'm fine."

"Your father is right Shay; you need to get some rest and get some food in you darlin. I'll stay here with JC."

I'll call you if there is any change." She embraces me in a hug.

Minutes later the doctor comes in checking JC's vitals and looks at his chart.

I'm doctor Skyler you must be Mr Chance's family."

"I'm JC's mother Karley Knight and this is my husband and daughter in law Red and Shay knight."

"Hello." He shakes our hands.

"Well doc how is my son?"

The doctor smiles.

"Based on Mr. Chance's test results he is out of danger. The last test showed he is getting stronger."

"Oh, thank god." Karley had tears in her eyes. The doctor continues.

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