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A few hours later I came into Shays room she was still asleep. I sat on the edge of her bed as I watched her sleep. Once I find this Axel, he is a dead fucker, I will kill this mother fucker slow and painful I think angrily. He will know pain when I am through with him. My baby girl, my princess How could I have let Blaze leave? Not fight for our child, not have known. I put my head in my hands and sob silently felling the wetness as it slides down my face. I must fix this, but I don't know where to start. Will she even accept me as her father I ask myself or will she turn me away that was the million-dollar question. Then I am pulled back to the past when I lost my Blaze and my baby girl.

***Flash Back***

There was a knock at my door who fuck could that be I thought irritated as I was finishing up some club paper work.

"Come in" I mumbled not looking up from my desk.

When I see my queen walk in, my mood suddenly changes and my features soften towards her. It was Blaze my heart my everything.

"We need to talk Red "

"Come here baby." I call her and she comes and stands in between my legs.

I Kiss her like I am a starved man. I part her lips with my tongue as she moans into my kiss.

"Hello to you too baby." She smiles and kisses me till I am breathless.

"You are my queen my everything." I kiss her again.

"Mmmm." She smiles. God I never get tired of seeing her smile. Her smile is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen.

"What did you want to talk about Baby?"

"Well baby I have some news."

Before Blaze could tell me what her news was my VP Storm storms into my office disturbing us.


I know the mother fucker sees my queen between my legs.

"Sorry Red but we are having problems."

"Fuck!!! What is it?" I growl.

"It's Lacy Red. She is causing all sorts of trouble in the clubhouse. She hollowing to see you."

Blaze looks at me with hurt and anger in her beautiful eyes she knows what I have done.

"I thought you were done messing with that bitch Red?" My queen was mad. I missed up really fucking bad. I never should have gone near Lacy that night, but I was weak and drunk. I let her get into my head; and now I could lose everything.

"Storm I'll deal with Lacy later JUST GET HER OUT OF MY CLUB NOW."

"You got it Red." Storm nods his head and leaves.

"You fucked Lacy, didn't you?."

What the fuck? Blaze just slaps me across my face and to be honest I deserved it.

"Baby girl please listen It's not what you think." I tried to plead my case, but she was hearing none of it.

"FUCK YOU RED! I've put up with a lot from you and this fucking club and I'm tired. I am done with the whores Red and with you disrespecting me by sleeping around I AM DONE."

"BLAZE BLAZE BLAZE." I scream her name but its to late she slams the door as I put my head in my hands.

I never thought that Blaze would leave me, but she did that night, taking her secret with her.

***End Of Flash Back***

I feel the tears coming down my face. I have so much regret and so much pain, If I had only known I would have never let Blaze leave that night. I stare at my beautiful daughter, and she looked so much like Blaze, with her caramel brown skin. Shay stirs and rubs her tired eyes waking up.

"Hello baby girl." I smile.

"You must be my father then?" She says in a raspy voice.

Shay looks at me with what I dont know, is it hate?



I woke up a few hours later to an older man staring at me and I have his eyes, hazel like mine.

"Hello baby girl." He smiles at me.

"You must be my father then." I say my voice raspy from sleep.

I look at the man who is my father and I look at him and all I feel is hate. I'm so confused right now. He is the reason my mother could never be happy and move on with her life, and for that I could never forgive him.

"Once I found out you existed, I did everything in my power to find you."

All I was feeling towards my father was rage. I didn't want to hear any of his excuses it ment shit to me.

"I'm not your fucking princess get the fuck out." I snarl not wanting anything to do with this man. In this moment I resented my father and what he represented.

"Princess I know you want answers, and I will give them to you." He says sadly. But I didn't want to hear it. I did not want to hear anything my father had to say to me.

"What do you want to say uh? That your fucking sorry and you wish things could be different. Save your sorry it means nothing to me." I say with a bitter laugh.

I could feel the tears, but they wouldn't come. It's better holding on to this anger, as it courses through my veins.

"ITS BECAUSE OF YOU THAT MAMA COULDN'T MOVE ON WITH HER LIFE OR BE HAPPY, IT'S YOUR FALUT." Now the tears came as it rolled down my cheeks.

By this time, I was shouting, and my throat was getting sore, and a headache was coming on. I couldn't do this I wasn't in the right frame of mind to continue to confront my so-called father. I just couldn't handle this shit right now I needed him to leave.

"I can't handle this shit right now just get the fuck out." I turn my back to him.

"Ok princess if that is what you want." I heard the hurt and pain in his voice.

"Once I am well enough, I'm getting the fuck out of here. I want nothing from you or your fucking club." I say cutting my father deep with my words.

I don't even turn to look at him. He leaves closing the door behind him. I cry not only for the mother I lost but I cry for the father I would never know.

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