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New Orleans

1 Week later


I wake up and God my head hurts, what happened? I can't remember. I look around and I'm in a beautiful big room I don't recognize.

First, where is here? Why was I here? I tried to get up and instantly I feel dizzy, I fall back against the plush pillows. I sign.

"I see your finally awake darlin'".

I turn my head to where the kind and gentle voice was coming from.

"Who are you?" My voice comes out raspy.

"My name is Karley, but everyone calls me Big Mama but you can call me Karley". She smiles. She had such a nice gentle presence about her, it was so calming.

"And this here is Dr. Julie Watson. She is our club doctor".

"Hello Shay." she gives me a warm smile "You gave us all quite a scare".

"Sorry." I manage to reply. The doctor gives me another warm smile.

"How are you feeling? She takes out a handheld device out of her medical bag on the nightstand.

"I feel a little dizzy with a throbbing headache".

"That is to be expected after your head injury, you suffered a concussion".

"Let Me know if you feel any nausea, OK, now am just going to shine a light on your pupils I just want to test your eye reflexes, make sure there is no damage prior to the concussion".

"OK." I could feel the throbbing in the back of my head, and it was excruciating, I felt like I wanted to scream.

"Let me know if this is to much for you Shay".

The doctor clicks the pen light object, shining the light in my eyes, waving the light back in forth, I turn my head away because of how bright the light was.

"OK we are done here". She says clicking off the pen.

"Do you know how I got here?" I ask touching the bandage on my forehead. I needed to know what happened to me and why.

"The boys brought you here... You where in bad condition".

Boys? what boys. I tried to make some sense of what was happening, but I couldn't. God my head was killing me.

"Do you know how long I have been out? I touch the bandage again and winced at the pain.

"You've been out about a week." said the kind woman name Karley. "You had us all worried there darlin.

What? a week I've been out a week. I couldn't think right now, the only thing I could remember is being kicked out by someone or something.

"Call me right away if Shay suffers any nausea or her headache worsens".

"I will doc."

The doctor does one last check on me and leaves.

"Listen darlin' you should really get some rest." she touches my hair.

I nod my head. I am a little tired, maybe rest is just what I need.

"Get some rest darlin'."

Karley leaves and I fall asleep instantly.



I was in Red's office waiting on Red. Seconds later Red walks in followed by ma.

"So how is my princess Kar?"

"She's awake now Red, which is good. Julie looked her over, says she will be ok". Ma gives Red a passionate kiss as he slaps her ass, which I didn't need to see by the way.

"OK ma I didn't need to fucking see that".

"Sorry not Sorry son, and language JC".

"Yeah, Sorry ma".

I am going to go see my princess". Red makes his way to the door.

" Sorry to burst your bubble Red but Shay needs time, she just suffered a concussion. She needs time to heal and get use to her new reality". Ma puts her hand on Red's arm to stop him.

"Well, I want to see my baby girl and I am sorry my queen but not even you can fucking stop me". Red now angry removes my mother's hand from his arm and leaves slamming the door.

"Asshole!... He can be stubborn, and pig headed sometimes."

"You married him". I chucked

"Yeah, I did, didn't I." my mother laughs.

"Well, Im going to the kitchen to see what I can get our guest. She'll probably be hungry when she wakes up".

My mother gives me a hug and kiss on my forehead, leaving me alone with my thoughts.

Fuck If I dont get my feelings for Shay under control, I'm dead a man.

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