The 50th Floor CHP. 2

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"What reports have we received from the frontlines?"

"The DDA and FT succeeded with their raids on the western side. We're still waiting on an update from the Khans and Spartans."

"The Fuuzikanen and Braves just reported in, the garrison forces have already arrived at the last outpost, and they're holding out until they confirm the next patrol pattern."

"All quiet on the central front vice-commander. The guild leader is probably falling asleep over there along with the rest of the garrison."

"No reports from the scouts gozaru."

"Alright, as soon as we receive word on the last raid, we'll send out messages to rotate the garrison forces out and finish the preparations for tomorrow's raid on the main encampment."

With a collective affirmation from the other leaders, our vice-commander resumed checking the floor map that the third-in-command had set up last week. The representative from the DDA, Lind, continued to check over raid plans for tomorrow. One of the moderates of 'The 2nd Wave', Popernick, was whispering with some of the other guild leaders that followed him. Daizen was probably working away on the guilds budget again, and the strange ninja fellow still hadn't moved an inch from where he was standing since I've gotten here.

We were currently held up in the town hall of the main city on the 50th floor. Apparently, after doing some quests, the third-in-command unlocked this war room/world-leader conference looking place for the guilds to better organize themselves. Of course, the vice-commander went full general mode and created terrifying plans to conquer this floor in earnest.

There were various other players scattered about helping out with reports about logistics and the like, but everyone always went through their designated representative if they ever wanted to hand something over to her.

"Hah...where is that idiot..."

Hearing the whisper from the vice-commander, I saw her start moving through her menu typing out a message, only to wave it away after some sort of pop-up occurred. Judging by the look on her face, there was only one person who could break her out of her usual seriousness like that. Materializing the teapot I was using earlier, I refilled her cup.

"Don't worry vice-commander, I'm sure he's fine. Probably just goofing off again, you know how boys can be."

That at least put a small smile on her face as she sipped on the cup. When we were talking about the third-in-command, Asuna looked like a regular girl instead of an incredible leader you would see out of the history books. But her sternness returned quickly as she approached the map and began moving around some of the pieces that represented the parties currently deployed.

"It's nearly 7, the next patrol will be coming out at any moment. The west already got delayed...if they haven't finished up by now..."

I had joined the KoB with 2 other friends of mine back in early December. Since the commander had been interested in our group for a while, we were able to quickly become official members, and at the beginning of the floor, we were officially recognized as 'The 3rd Army' alongside 3 other recruits.

It was incredibly nervewracking at first, especially in front of Asuna whose beauty and look seemed like it could stop a person's heart with a single glance. The commander wasn't much better, having an air around him that defied that of a regular gamer. It wasn't until we all met the newly appointed third-in-command close to the end of December that we, at least us girls, began seeing what was going on behind the scenes.

"You and the third-in-command have worked around the clock on preparing plans and contingencies in case something like this happened. Maybe you should worry about getting some rest? After all, you've been here since morning, directing the groups and running around to respond to emergencies."

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