- The Storm CHP. 3

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How many died?

Whatever the number was, the answer was the same. To many. Those eyes still burned in the back of my mind. Bloodshot, deranged, mad. Yet what was the most revolting was the genuine joy within them. The joy from murdering someone, and the joy of being murdered.

I couldn't understand it nor did I want to. All that mattered was that he was safe, that he didn't have to experience that pain again. It was a small price to pay. But although he fought alongside me like he always did, I couldn't look him in the eyes. Even as we walked towards the surviving members of Laughing Coffin, I kept one step ahead.

Countless weapons were left scattered on the ground. The battlefield had turned into a graveyard of swords. While Laughing Coffin had been pushed into a corner, several of our members sat or laid on the floor, their expressions completely blank as they processed what had just happened. I felt my expression was similar, but not because of what had happened, but because of what was to come. Of what he thought of me now.

How terrifying, that I was more scared of how he would look at me after what I had done, what I had ordered instead of my actual actions. Was this how he felt that day? How selfish I was back then, to make him join a guild against his will when he carried such a burden when I hadn't provided any sort of comfort or guarantee to him.

Could I really stay by his-


We had reached the front of the group and a gentle warmth enveloped the blood-stained warmth. On instinct, I tried pulling away, but he didn't let go. When I looked up I saw the same eyes that always gazed at me, whether up close like now or from a distance. The same ones made me feel as if my heart was on the verge of busting.

He smiled like he always did, but I could see the pieces of self-depreciation within it. He was blaming himself, but he didn't apologize. Instead, he squeezed my hand and his face was filled with determination.

"Leave the rest to me, okay?"

Before I could say anything, he took a step forward, the nostalgic back of his intent on blocking all evils and danger of this world. Despite the circumstances, I couldn't help but smile, yet it was because of his determination that I couldn't waiver either. Stepping forward so that we were side-by-side, he yelled out to the battered players.

"It's over. Surrender and you'll still be able to live. Enough people have died today...so throw down your weapons, and let's end this, now."

There were about 16 members of Laughing Coffin left. The two figures I could immediately recognize were two of their sub-commanders, Johnny Black and Red-Eyed Xa Xa. They along with 7 others were moving backward, their HP depleted and their armor in taters. Some of them even listed to Kirito and threw down their weapons.

However, the other 7 showed no signs of surrendering. They gripped their weapons and took a step forward, brandishing them towards us. From under their hoods and masks, I saw that they shared the same eyes as the player I struck down.

In other words, they fully intended to die.

What was about to happen could only be described as an execution. While we had lost some of our members, we had an overwhelming numbers advantage, and even those whose wills seemed to be broken began rising again, joining our ranks. Yet, although we knew this could only end one way, no one made the first move. No one wanted to make the first move.

The tension in the air became so thick that you could have touched it, the insane grins of the red players growing with every passing moment. When it seemed that the air could no longer get heavier, Kirito took a step forward.

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