Demon's Sighting CHP.1

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The fencer who was producing infectious delta waves shifted around until she had found an (I assume) comfortable spot on my chest, the crease on her brows disappearing as she sported a childlike smile. I was tempted to join her, but I was currently more preoccupied with the heavy footsteps I could hear coming from the main path. One of the players must have looked in our direction as the hiding rate underneath my HP bar went down to 85%, but quickly jumped back up to 95% as they passed by. Of course, it wouldn't be an issue if we were actually spotted, but I think Asuna wouldn't want to be discovered napping on the job.

April 11th, 2024. We were currently resting beneath a large tree on the 59th floor. After a heavy day of questing yesterday, I had offered the overworked fencing a day off, but she promptly refused. So we resumed our usual activities in the morning and were about to head off to the labyrinth when I spotted the perfect napping spot. Since we were out in an open field, I also noted just how perfect the weather parameters were, so after a bit of negotiating, we decided to break for lunch, and within moments of having a full stomach, the pristine vice-commander changed her class to sleeping beauty, and now here we were.

Having chosen a spot that faced away from the main path and utilizing my maxed out Hiding Skill, we had thus far remained undisturbed for the past hour and that was unlikely to change. Which was a good thing, considering that Asuna showed no signs of waking up any time soon. I could stand to doze off for a bit myself but-

Yeah, I think I'll keep watch for a bit longer.

Moving a few strands of her silky chestnut hair off her face, I settled in for the long run. After all, how long can a nap last?

Long enough for it to no longer be considered a nap, that's how long. With the afternoon sun long replaced by its setting counterpart, Asuna had been snoozing away for hours. I couldn't do much since most of my movements would end up waking her, but I was able to settle for some light brushing that she seemed to enjoy. It was just after 6 in the afternoon, around the time we should have been exiting the labyrinth, but we were ahead of schedule anyway, and it's not like anyone could yell at us for slacking off anyway.


With an adorable sneeze, the fencer began her return to the land of the living as she shuffled about before she looked up and gazed at me with watery, half-open eyes that glistened beautifully in the fading light. With an equally breath-taking smile, she began to settle down for another nap, when she bolted back up at an incredible speed and scanned the surroundings before her eyes eventually fell back on me.

"Morning sleepyhead, enjoy your nap?"

Despite her enhanced boldness, it seemed that this turn of events was enough to cause rampant embarrassment in my partner as her face because of the same red that glowed off the sunset.

"W-what time is it?!"

"Hm, just a bit past 6 I think? About time for dinner doncha think? I'm thinking that new restaurant they opened up down on the 57th floor, the fish is supposed to be killer."

My sincere thoughts seemed to have caused another wave of embarrassment as I felt her body temperature rise by a degree or two. I wanted to enjoy my partner's predicament a bit longer but ended up losing my will-saving roll when she bit her lower lip. With the wakeup call out of the way, Asuna's mind became fully active as she showed a conflicted smile.

"Sorry...I didn't think I would end up sleeping that long..."

"Eh, I don't mind. If anything, I can now add on my resume that I serve as a pretty good bed huh?"

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