The Calm- CHP.3

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All in all, it took us less time to scale the mountain than it did to trigger the quest.

Once we arrived, all of our breaths were taken away at the incredible sight. Beautifully designed crystal-like structures blanketed the mountain top. Their reflective nature created a mystical atmosphere as they reflected the moonlight and snowflakes that were deposited by the cold winds.

" didn't say anything about it looking this beautiful Argo..."

"Mmm...well, never actually came to the top of the mountain since all the quests before ended partway through it. Still, something to add to the guidebook once we're done here. Although...Kibou, you don't seem all that impressed."

While I had been looking at my reflection and tapping the crystals to see if they were minable, I noticed that Kirtio was staring off to a branching path that lead to a cliff edge, obscured by several of the crystal pillars.

"Ah...I came here with Asuna when we were clearing this floor, trying to see if there were any secret quests had to do with the floor boss."

Striding up the central path in silence, Argo and I could only shrug our shoulders as we followed suit. That was when we found something distinctly out of place with the entire mountain structure.

"...That's one ell of a hole."

"Wonder how far down it goes..."


Leaning over as if he was going to jump down the hole, Argo and I quickly grabbed the back of his coat and pulled him. Making an exaggerated display of being choked, Kirito put on a cynical grin as he glanced at both of us.

"Come on now, give me some credit. It's not like I would go jumping down that thing."

"Asuna told me about your tendency to go thrill-seeking, falling from absurd places or climbing up to heights that could get you killed. At this point, we can never be too careful.

"Agreed, although I was more concerned with how used to it she looked...Kibou, just what are you doing to our poor A-chan?"



Suspicious didn't even begin to describe his reaction. Before we could press the matter further thought, a roar echoed across the area and shook the ground. As we all turned to its source, we saw the master of the mountain's summit as it flew around a crystal structure right in the center, several times larger than its surrounding counterparts. We brandished our weapons, but before I could take my spot as forward, Kirito suddenly placed his hand on my shoulder and help me back.

"You and Argo get your teleport crystals ready and stand back, I'll take this guy on by myself."


"Oi Kibou, isn't that a bit risky?"

Shrugging as if it was the most natural thing in the world, he stared right at the dragon. The embarrassed, suspicious boy from earlier was nowhere to be seen, replaced instead by one of the strongest and most reliable swordsmen, no, person, I had ever met.

"That thing mainly uses basic slash and bite attacks right? That and its frost breath aren't an issue, but its AOE gale attack could cause a few problems. It won't use it if there aren't enough people in range, so just leave this part of the quest to me and take cover."

Of course, there was no doubt about whether or not Kirito could solo the quest boss or not. He had managed to take on tougher opponents under worse circumstances, but it wasn't exactly easy saying 'Oh yeah, go fight the man-eating dragon on all on your own.'

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