The Diva and Her Knight CHP.3

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"Man, that was intense! Jesus Naut even I've never flown that far before, and I've been going at it with Kiritard for ages now!"

"Hey, don't you have some sort of losing streak going on Klein? The last time I checked it was something like-"

"Oi, zip it Agil, those were just warmups that's all! You'll see, one day I'll get the last laugh over Kiritard, mark my words..."

"I think my bones are sore... and please don't call me Naut..."

With Agil and Klein going at it, and Naut complaining about his great nickname, I gave him a hearty smack on the back and called upon the assistance of someone I knew would agree with me.

"Hey, Naut's a great name, wouldn't you say Yuna?"

"Hm, It's short, simple, and a bit catchy, I think it suits you well Eiji!"

Smacking him on the other shoulder, Naut face-planted against the table causing everyone to laugh, although our vice-commander had a more concerned look on her face. We were at a different bar a bit more hidden than the one from earlier, all seated around one of their large round tables. Checking the time, it was about to be 1 in the afternoon, between the travel time, we had spent less than half an hour actually dueling, in fact, we only went at it twice.

Naut's initial defense was pretty impressive, but his lack of experience and the difference in level kept him down, and although his spirit to get back up was incredible, the freezing effect had kicked in and he wasn't able to withstand the follow-up either, and we had to call it before the third hit since any more would have been counterproductive. The second round went smoother since he tried going on the offensive, his skill really starting to shine through, but as the fight went on he began slowing down again for some reason.

"So what do you think Naut? Got a better idea of what causes the freezing or if there was any improvement from before?"

I would rather not have to spar with anyone else as long as I could help it, even Klein and I hadn't practiced in a month or two, but if it did help, then there wasn't much of an option. Raising his head, Naut finally showed a face that was lacking any of his earlier depression but had hints of annoyance to it.

"Hmm, well I would say that the cracking of my bones had something to do with my freezing back there."

"Stop exaggerating, besides you're the one who said to go all out."


Snorting, he put on a serious face that didn't really suit him before continuing.

"Well, during the first round the first heavy hit took my breath away and I started to clunk up. As for the second, when I couldn't land a single dam hit on you I guess I started to feel a bit anxious, and the same thing happened. It felt like the longer it went on though and I tried to calm myself, I could actually get past it but... even if we did this consistently I don't think it would get better any time soon..."

At his conclusion that he probably wouldn't be able to fight on the frontlines like he wanted, he started to sulk while Yuna tried comforting him.

"Don't worry Eiji, at least we have a better idea of the causes, and that at least you can actually get better with it. Here."

Tossing him some sort of candy, Klein assumed what he called his 'master samurai' pose while nodding.

"Mhm, she's right, you know. Besides, it's not clearing this dam game is only about fighting on the front lines ya know? Hell this sorry excuse of a merchant does his part both in and out of the fight."

"Excuse of a merchant eh? Guess you won't mind if I end up upping the rates for your entire guild for that one then right? If I spread the word, might end up running you out of town too."

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