Unexpected Debuff CHP.1

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The cave illuminated only by bioluminescent fungal-type torches was filled with the sounds of sword skills and call-outs. It was well over 100 meters in diameter, and we were right in the center in a circle formation. The flooring was uneven, covered in white vines and strange-looking mushrooms, and puddles of water reflected the lights of our weapons. The only two exits had been blocked off by toxic-looking foliage, yet since this was planned out, no one was panicking. Well, at least outwardly, I on the other hand, only had one thought flashing through my mind.

This...isn't good...

Smashing the cap of the hundredth 'Crimson Agaric', a small puff of red dust flew into my face and I couldn't stifle my cough. Before, the scholarly fencer said it was hard to determine whether a cough or sneeze in this world can be considered 'real' since both functions were used to dislodge foreign pathogens from the body or to help regulate the body temperature. So in reality, our bodies were mostly just going through the motion, yet after being here for so long, we had come to accept it as the 'real' thing.

Now, while coughing in reaction to the red dust would be fine, the issue was that I had been coughing for the past hour. One would guess it was a result of the abundant spores in the 'Mycelium Burrows' on the 51st floor, but since none of my companions were being affected by this debuff, it seemed that I had drawn the Ace of Spades. Coughing and sneezing were troublesome enough to deal with, but as I pulled my sword away from shattering polygons, my vision blurred again and I could feel the strength in my legs giving in.

"Kirito, watch it!"

With the exaggerated warning from the mace and shield user at my side, I balled up my fist and used martial art to knock back the 'Milk Cap' into the path of our self-proclaimed samurai's strike. Cleaving his original target's head' clean off while staggering the bonus I had sent him, he quickly finished it off while giving me a thumbs up.

"Oi, nice toss Kiritard!"

Before I could react though, a reinforced elbow stabbed me in the side, forcing me to turn around. Looking at me with equal parts irritation and concern, the master blacksmith took over Asuna's role in rebuking me.

"Kirito, what's going on?! You're not acting like your usual self...are you sure you're okay?"

Since she wasn't using her prized nickname, I could tell that Liz was genuinely concerned for me and that the irritation in her eyes was likely directed to the samurai who had dragged me along in the first place. Surprisingly, or maybe not, it was the girls who were against me joining them while the guys were pretty instant. Regardless, there were more important things to handle first.


Her eyes widening in confusion, Liz ducked as I used 'Horizontal' to finish off the 'Golden Oyster' that she had dropped to critical HP. Standing back up and watching the polygons shatter, the irritation in her eyes quadrupled as she glared at me.

"A bit close don't you think?!"

"Haha...let's just focus on getting out of this..."

Despite my efforts to put on a grin, Liz's expression turned grim, but before she could say anything else, the next wave of mobs had arrived, and I turned to face the thousandth (I've lost count at this point) mushroom person thing that approached my side.

May 1st, 2024. The day had started as it always did, a nice breakfast from Asuna, some idle chatter, and it was about to take a nosedive as we were about to do our monthly meetings with the other major guilds. This gathering was organized so that the guilds could work together more closely and make plans for cooperation or competition. Of course, we had spent the entirety of yesterday finalizing any plans and details, but at Asuna's behest, I was to just stand in the background and act 'like myself' while she dealt with the other leaders. This event had bridged the ever-dwindling amount of clearing guilds to a certain extent and was vital to ensure our continued cooperation.

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