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Wen Ruohan called Wei Wuxian and Wen Qing to the throne room.

"What did you call us for Mother?"

Wei Wuxian sat down at the given chair, Wen Qing sat besides him.

"So we received an invitation to an banquet. It's in Qinghe, from the Nie Sect."

"Grumpy Gege lives there!"

"Grumpy Gege. Do you mean the big strong man?"


"I guess you've met the Sect Heir, Nie Mingjue."

Wen Ruohan let out a breath.

"We'll be going there."

"Yay! I get to see Grumpy Gege again!"

Wei Wuxian celebrated in his seat.

"Alright, calm down Ying-ah. A-Qing, go pack your things now. We'll be departing tonight since it's a long journey there."

"Okay, Han-Shushu."

Wen Qing stood up and left the throne room, Wei Wuxian walked towards Wen Ruohan.

"Mother, is it only us who's going?"

"Well A-Xu Yah and Wen Fan are together. So is A-Chao and Wen Tan. Wen Ran will be going with us."


Wei Wuxian celebrated before pulling Wen Ruohan up.

"Come on! Come on! Let's pack!"

Wen Ruohan could only let out a chuckle and follow Wei Wuxian.

"Alright, let's pack up."

They made their way to their bedroom. The bedroom was renovated to a bigger room with two beds and more furniture for Wei Wuxians' stuff. His side had a big king sized bed that is close to the wall. His pet bird, Hong Yin, was caged at the bed side table. Hong Yin turned to be a very big bird with elegant feathers (is actually a phoenix but they don't know.) Guang-Jun has his own bed and it's Wei Wuxians' own bed. They sleep together. Wen Ruohan's side was still the same but they  have very large windows in which where you can see the whole courtyard.

Wei Wuxian started packing his clothes and well, money. He ain't poor no more.

"Ying-ah, why are you so eager to go?"

"Because Grumpy Gege said I can make friends with Grumpy Gege number two!"

"You mean his little brother?"


Wei Wuxian sighed before taking Guang-Jun up.

"You're excited too, Right?"

Guang-Jun just yawned and covered Wei Wuxians' eyes with his tail.

"Ah. Okay."

Wen Ruohan sat on his bed. He doesn't know why, but he feels so overwhelmed. Seeing Wei Wuxian all excited reminds him of the days where in Cangse Sanren would pull him along so that he could witness her dates with Wei Changze.

[Ying-ah... You grew up really well despite the fact that I'm not the best parent... I'm sorry if I can't raise you well enough the way Shiejie would've raised you... I'm sorry if I can't provide your needs from time to time... But Thank you... Thank you... For coming into my life... Ying-ah... Thank you...]

Wen Ruohan felt like crying but he felt hands touch his cheeks.

"Mother, why are you crying again...?"

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