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Wahh I already made 40 episodes on this? Wahh, I'm going to take a break on this story na for real. So I have this schedule!

Vad Leal Euonymous would be nearing it's end, after that Grande Amour will follow on. Until those two stories are finished, I will also finish I did and didn't first. Then I will come back to this and I was raised by deaf and mute.

Thank you for the continuous support you've been giving me throughout my journey as an author. I lost and gained and I learned. Thank you, everyone. You all mean the world to me^^<3

Enjoy this last chapter, What if W(h)en. Signing out, for hiatus.


Wen Xu arrived in Cloud Recesses with Dy QiWe. He wouldn't want to bother the Wen R,F,T-an siblings because those three have been going around doing commissions.

"First Young Master Wen."

Lan Wangji greeted as he waited for the Sect Heir by the gates before he arrived.

"You must be Lan Wangji. Xichen told me a lot about you."

"Pardon my brother, please follow me."

"QiWe, go find LiWe if you want."

"Uhm, I think it's best to stay with you Shifu."

"Oh no, if you're uncomfortable, you can go."

"I'm okay"

Dy QiWe smiled at Wen Xu.

"Okay then."

Wen Xu and Dy QiWe followed Lan Wangji to the Lanshi, where Lan Qiren was mid teaching.

"Shifu, where's A-Ying and his friends?"

"I guess Young Master Lan here will take us to them after."

"Oh, okay."


Lan Wangji entered the Lanshi, Lan Qiren looking their way.

"Young Master Wen. You came in place of your father."

"Yes, Father is really busy this time around."

"Mm, well then. Please follow this disciple and he'll take you to the Young Masters."

"Excuse me, Grandmaster Qiren. Young Master Beom Ryo is here for Young Master Jin."

"Did Young Master Beom come in place of Sect Leader Jin?"

Beom Ryo stepped forward with a smile.

"Yes, he is busy at this time so he couldn't come."

"Well then, please follow along Young Master Wen to the infirmary."

Beom Ryo faced Wen Xu and smiled.

"I've heard so much about you! I'm a big fan."

"O-oh, thank you."

"Young Masters?"

"Oh, let's follow them I guess."

Wen Xu, Dy QiWe and Beom Ryo followed the disciple towards the infirmary.


"Beom Ryo, my name is Beom Ryo."

"That's a unique name."

"I guess. My mom named me after a foreign language."

"What does Beom Ryo mean then?"

"Oh, well 'Beom' means tiger and 'Ryo' means survive."

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