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The sun was about to rise when Lan Wangji instinctively opened his eyes and sat up, feeling a sharp pain on his face.

"You're really up so early. I'm surprised you didn't even move while you slept."

Wei Wuxian offered him his water jug.

"Sang-Ge is still asleep. Would it bother you to wait a little more?"

"Mn." He hummed to say– 'It's Okay'.

Lan Wangji took the water jug as he drank, getting up as he gave the jug back to Wei Wuxian.


"Oh? Go ahead. Don't wander too far." Wei Wuxian placed the jug back in his qiankun pouch.

"No need. I'll do it here."

Lan Wangji then got into a handstand as he started to do push-ups using only one hand.

"Holy shit..." Wei Wuxian admired the posture Lan Wangji had.

The Lan didn't even struggle. No sign of his body shaking nor sweat accumulating on his skin.

"Lan Zhan, have you been doing those handstand push-ups since you were young? You're so experienced with it!" He complimented.

"Mn. Since 8 years old." Lan Wangji informed, a little strain in his voice.

Wei Wuxian rested his chin on his palm. "I bet one day you'll do anything in that handstand since you're so capable."

"Can do anything, really." Lan Wangji smiled slightly.

Lan Wangji continued to exercise, Wei Wuxian taking the initiative to count for him.

Nie Huaisang sat up, yawning as the sun rose to 6 am. "What time is it?"

"Late enough for us to be found missing." Wei Wuxian had already fixed his sleeping area back into his qiankun pouch.

Nie Huaisang stood up as he, too, started fixing his items. "It's the first time Lan Er-Gongzi went missing like this. Old Man Lan will surely behead you, A-Xian."

"Lan Zhan, Lan Zhan! Don't you feel sorry for disobeying your uncle?"

Lan Wangji looked away, wiping his sweat. "Don't care."

Both Wei Wuxian and Nie Huaisang looked at Lan Wangji with shocked expressions.

"What?" Wei Wuxian asked softly.

Lan Wangji took the concealing talisman as he raised it to his forehead. "Out of sight, out of mind."

He slapped it on, disappearing from sight.

Wei Wuxian grinned as he rummaged into his robes to find a talisman, too.

"Lan Er-Gege! You're getting bold, aren't you?"

Wei Wuxian turned around to Nie Huaisang as he raised the talisman to his forehead. "Why not a game of hide and seek, Sang-Ge?"

Like that, Wei Wuxian slapped the talisman onto his forehead as he ran away, deserting Nie Huaisang.

Nie Huaisang gripped the qiankun pouch full of his belongings in his hands as a lone tear left his eyes.


Lan Wangji was running into the forest. Well, his intention was to separate Wei Wuxian from Nie Huaisang so he can express his true feelings and to say sorry to the young master.

Wei Wuxian, being the person that he is, misunderstood this as a game of hide and seek.

Lan Wangji chose to hide. Jumping onto a tree as Wei Wuxian passed below him.

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