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Wei Wuxian walked to the Lanshi. He woke up with sharp pain on his head and he doesn't remember what happened yesterday. But now, all he knows is that Xue Yang was clinging on his butt and Wen Ning was walking very closely to him.

"YangYang, can you let go of my butt now?"


Wen Ning giggled.

"A-Yang r-really wants to p-protect Ying-gege."

Wei Wuxian smiled before he ruffled Wen Nings' hair.

"Xian Dìdì!"


Wei Wuxian beamed.

"Sang-Ge! XuanXuan!"

Nie Huaisang and Jin Zixuan walked over.

"How are you? You slept well?"

"I don't really remember. Do you know what happened?"

Nie Huaisang and Jin Zixuan looked away.

"Nope, none at all."

Wei Wuxian seemed sceptical but he shrugged.

"Come on, let's get going."


They began walking. Nie Huaisang groaned.

"I don't understand the purpose of school. It doesn't test you intelligence, it tests your memory."

Xue Yang pouted.

"It tests my patience."

Wen Ning shivered.

"It t-tests my ability to h-hold my pee."

Jin Zixuan scoffed.

"It tests my ability to keep calm and not slap a bitch."

They all looked at him.


Wei Wuxian laughed.

"I mean you're not wrong though."

You can't blame Jin Zixuan though. He hates low class brainer people and he never shares his life like "This is my air bitch, y'all get your own tree." And just slaps the hell out of Jiang Wanyin? Anyways, Wei Wuxian stepped inside the Jingshi, but his heart skipped a beat.

"H-hey... Who's he...?"

Nie Huaisang took a peep, but almost immediately he hid behind Wei Wuxian.

"Why are you asking me?!"

"He's really pretty..."

"T-that's the second jade of Gusu! L-Lan Wangji!"

The said male lifted his head and side eyed them. That side eye turned into a glare.

"Eep! He spotted us!"

"I don't know man... I think I'm gay..."

"New discovery?"


Wen Chao sighed before he rolled his eyes and patted Wei Wuxians' head.

"He hates you, I mean look at his glare. He hates people, don't even think you can have a chance."

Wei Wuxian frowned.

"But he seems nice..."

"Just don't bother him anymore, come on. Sit down."

Wei Wuxian knitted his brows before sitting down. He rested his head on his palm before sighing.

"He's cute though..."

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