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"So... Tits– I mean! Uhm, tits– FUCK!" Jin Zixuan sobbed as he hugged Wei Wuxian.

"WHAT THE HELL EVEN IS THAT?!" Lan Haozhi grabbed his sword, attempting to whoop their asses up, only to get paralyzed by Lan Wangji again.


Lan Wangji simply looked away.


After reaching Cloud Recesses, Lan Wangji proceeded to drag Lan Haozhi to the cold pond.

"Ow! Ow!! The stones hurt A-Zhan!"

"Bear with it."

Wei Wuxian and Nie Huaisang laughed as he was dragged up the stairs. He was an experienced cultivator, of course he'll be able to lessen the pain he felt.

Wei Wuxian looked at Lan Wangji. "What do we do with Xichen-Ge?" He asked.

"Bring him to Chifeng-Zun. He'll be able to protect him... For now."

Nie Huaisang cleared his throat. "I'll go get him then. Please wait for me."


Like that, Nie Huaisang ran to his brother.

"Running is for—" "Let it pass, Lan Zhan." Wei Wuxian smiled at him, covering for Nie Huaisang.

"Tch. Why'd you have to send him away?" Lan Haozhi glared at them.

Lan Wangji didn't know what to feel with what Lan Haozhi had said. Should he be scared or curious?

Either way, he wanted to drown the shit out of his father so all of the gunk in his ears would be cleared out. With those out, he'd hear his reasons out better.

They reached the cold pond as Lan Wangji carried his father's feet.

"L– Lan Zhan. You're not planning on throwing him in while he's paralyzed, right?" Wei Wuxian nervously asked.

"He can take it."

With one swing, a loud splash was heard from the middle of the pond as Lan Haozhi sunk down. Slowly, all of the bubbles were gone, and the water was silent.

Wei Wuxian let out a nervous— "ehh.." —before turning back to Lan Wangji who looked at the water.

"He's probably dying there, Lan Zhan."

"He's not going to die that easily." Lan Wangji simply replied.

A few moments later, robes flew out the pond as Lan Haozhi floated in the water, laying on his stomach as his head and butt popped out of the water.

"Ahh~ That hit the spot. A-Zhan, mind drying my clothes for me?"

"Do you want me to set it on fire?"

"I said dry it! Not light it one fire, you–" Lan Haozhi grinded his teeth in annoyance.

Lan Wangji simply placed the wet clothes of Lan Haozhi away as he took out a fresh pair of Lan robes from his sleeves. Of course, Wei Wuxian's eyes were wide when he saw the ingenious capabilities of Lan robes.

"Lan Zhan, are you sure you want to bring Xichen-Ge to Qinghe? It's too risky to be here in Gusu since, you know, and I'm pretty sure your uncle knows that they have sword fights behind close doors."

Lan Wangji was silent for a moment before turning back to Wei Wuxian. "Sword... Fights?"

"Best of you not to find out. For your own good." Lan Wangji was speechless.

Of course, Lan Qiren was going to look for him, even if he was in the corner of the earth. The sect heir position was moved to him. If he ran away, the Lan clan would have to make Lan Qiren the new sect leader.

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