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AhnRieJin: Hey! Welcome to the interview on the cast of What if W(h)en. We're going to be asking basic questions and opinions from the cast, excluding the main character, Wei Wuxian. Let's get started with the first raffle question.

"What do you think of Wen Ruohan?"

AhnRieJin: Hello, Yin TuWan... Or should I say transmigrator Yin TuWan?

Yin TuWan: What a great way to expose me haha. But to be answering the question... Wen Ruohan in the Novel was really an asshole. But in this story... I've got to see more sides of his story since he was never really elaborated you know? We love characters who fucks things up for better or for worse. Wen Ruohan is smart but thirsty. He needs a chill pill honey.


AhnRieJin: Hello Wei Changze!

Wei Changze: Ahahaha hello. To answer your question... A-Ru is really beautiful. He is kind hearted and very optimistic, despite the fact he thinks lowly of himself. He is really loud too, even in the after life... I can hear him whining for my dick... Save me please.🥲


AhnRieJin: Hello Cangse Sanren!

Cangse Sanren: Hellooooo Yeorrobunnn! Han-ah is the other half of my heart. 4lyfers😔✊. Han-ah struggles a lot and he's filled with tears to the brim. Kill his father as much as you'd like. Han-ah is an asshole, but there's a reason why all Villains are villains you know? He can have my husband! I miss Hana.😭✌️

Wei Changze: A-San!

Cangse Sanren: Ain't that "where" in Filipino?


AhnRieJin: Nie Bingwen, the imaginary hot daddy with hot hands and tiddies hello.

Nie Bingwen: I know I'm gorgeous, anyway! Wen Ruohan is good at fighting, really good. I fancy him quite a lot, deep affection I must say. Though I don't like the fact he does not enjoy fighting as much as I do... I'm starting to understand. Like Changze always said! Everything is hard when you try it for the first time.

Wei Changze: *dying in the background*

Nie Bingwen: Why is he laughing?


AhnRieJin: Jin Hana, hello Miss Queen.

Jin Hana: Hello! About Ruohan, ahhh. He's a hoe with no hoes. But I love the fact he stands up for me and wants me to have a good life. He enjoys my cooking very much and it's cute to see him finish, even eating the plate one time. Over all Ruohan just changed because of trauma. He can have Changze, I'll take my A-Se back.

Jin Guangshan: What about me though-

Jin Hana: Fuck off.


AhnRieJin: Wen Yilein! Hello mommy- Sorry- Mommy- no sorry- Mommy-

Wen Yilein: Are you okay? Anyways. Ruohan is troublesome. Very energetic and charismatic. Though he was the nicest teenager. He often helped us when Wen Mogui treated us very badly as servants. Over all, Ruohan deserved a better life than this.


AhnRieJin: The forgotten son, Wen Xu.

Wen Xu: Salamat nalang sa lahat, Dad.


AhnRieJin: Wen Chao?

Wen Chao: Tanginang tatay yan, Wag na! He's nice but forgetful! Pakainin ko ng HNGHHHHH!!!! AAAAAHHHHHHHH!


AhnRieJin: Wen Ran!

Wen Ran: I've been with Han-ah since I was young. I know him better than I know my own mind. Han-ah never really had someone you know? I hated him for ranking higher but when I held hands with him, my heart connected with his. Han-ah for me will always be a kid.


AhnRieJin: Non-binary royalty, Wen Fan!

Wen Fan: RuoRuo is just a kid. His dreams were really big but sadly he had to grow up. He never knew that I'm sorry will never be enough... I hate toxic parents who would hit their kids in order to discipline them! That doesn't even work! Be patient with your children, please...


AhnRieJin: Our favorite It! Wen Tan!

Wen Tan: I'm just the same age with Ruo. He's sad and lonely most of the times. His parents aren't even in love, he just needed an heir. He planned suicide but who knows. Thank God those Wei boys showed up in his life.


AhnRieJin: So that's all of the answers for that so the next raffle question is!

"What do you think of the treatment Wei Wuxian received and how would you be able to cope up with it?"

AhnRieJin: Wen Ruohan, you can go first.

Wen Ruohan:... Suicide will be my first option. As a child with fucked up parents, I chose that. I'm glad... I could save him.


Wei Changze: My son will never deserve that kind of treatment! Fengmian and that Ziyuan will burn in hell when they die. To never be born again! My son deserves the world and he'll always will.


Cangse Sanren: I'm going to rise from MY ashes and kill them. ******** DARES TO KILL ME! WHEN I GET THE CHANCE, I WILL BE THE ONE TO KILL THEM TOO.


Yin TuWan: In the novel, Wei Wuxians' abuse never really got elaborated but it's safe to say it was enough to pain him. It's sad that a child had to go mental and physical abuse... Even being thankful after it. Families look perfect behind a frame.


Nie Bingwen: I will kill each and every last one of the Jiangs.


Jin Hana: I have no knowledge of it yet but if I knew, I will pick my sword up once again.


Wen Yilein: Abuse will never be fine! Whatever mistake it is, it is not okay to abuse someone mentally and physically!


Wen Xu: I will burn the Lotus Pier.


Wen Chao: I'll kill them. I swear. I'll kill them 🙂.


Wen Tan, Fan, Ran: Murder will be okay.

AhnRieJin: That concludes everything since this place is literally on fire. Bye Guys!


Their swords and Names.

Wen Ruohan:
Saber- Something
Sword- You tell me.

Nie Bingwen:
Saber: 破壞

Cangse Sanren:
Sword- I don't know

Wei Changze:
Sword- 載光者

Jin Hana:
Sword- 花瓣

Wen Ran:
Sword- 我的名字

Wen Fan:
Bow- 去死

Wen Tan:
Sword- 一個和獨自的

Wen Xu:
Sword- 冰的反面

Yin TuWan:
Sword- 字

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