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I told myself I would be on a break, but you clowns make me want to write even though the jokes I put here are not as funny anymore. I'm sorry for disappointing you... I hope you do still enjoy... :')

"So like... We never really actually replied and now we're barging in to learn?"

Wei Wuxian said as he finished Wen Nings' hair.

"Basically Father just didn't want to respond to Old Man Lan since they both hate each other I guess?"

Wen Chao leaned on Wen Zhuilu.

"Female and male disciples would be separated, I trust A-Ning with Ying-er better."

"D-don't worry A-Jie! Y-Ying-gege will take care of me."

"Not if he takes care of me first."

Xue Yang clung on Wei Wuxian.

"Alright alright. Calm down YangYang, I know you miss Guang-Jun-ah be-"

"I don't miss him!"

"Whatever you say, I know you miss Guang-Jun-ah but pets can't come so you have to behave."

Xue Yang pouted before hugging Wei Wuxians' arm tighter.


Wei Wuxian smiled before he ruffled Xue Yangs' hair.

"I just hope we make this year memorable."

"You'll make it a tragedy."

"Ehh, I'm just following Niáng's footsteps here folks."

Wen Ruohan saw them off as he remained standing. His hand still up in a waving position but his face was in tears. Wen Ran sighed as they walked over.

"I know you'll miss him Han-ah."

"I will..."

Wen Ran patted his shoulder.

"I'm sure he'll do well. You raised him well."

"He's a marinated sperm cell."

Wen Ruohan chuckled.

"As more of the days went by and more shit came out... I'm proud I saw him grow up."

"Yeah. I'm proud of you too now. Let's go back to your papers."

Wen Ruohan ran away.



Wei Wuxian and the rest were playing a word association game, while Wen Qing just wanted to escape since her mind can no longer take it anymore. It's driving her crazy.

Wen Chao pointed.

"So A k-nife."

Wen Zhuilu continued.

"Hit the K-night."

Wei Wuxian let his palm out.

"In the K-nee."

Wen Ning and Xue Yang were silently laughing.

"If y'all don't stop I swear I'm going to stab my K-nife in your K-nee."

Wei Wuxian looked away while Wen Zhuilu hid Wen Chao.

"I'm not surprised on why you act like this since your father is also abnormal. But tone the crazy down, some people are sane too."

"We're sane?"

"Wow, that's surprising."

"I said some!"

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