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Jeremiah POV

That was it me and Lauren was done for good and it was time to start working on my new album because the company wanted me to go on a world tour. I apologized to Aglee and and we was back in the studio back and better than ever. Today was my interview on the the show "The Talk"

"Man you are so handsome I just want to eat you up like the snack you are" Sherly said

"Thanks man, I'm so excited to be here"

"The you know the shade room is messy now Keith,"

"Oh i know trust me I've been on there a lot of times it doesn't even faze me"

"So we all have questions about this single called Unforgettable you released from the upcoming album "Over it", is it about Lauren Monday"

I chuckled "Maybe it could be, I think next time she comes on the show ya'll should ask her about that she can give you a better understanding than I can"

" Have you spoken to her since all the tragic events have happened to her we know she just lost both her husband and her son" Amanda spoke

"I have actually you know, I've reached out a couple of times to her and her family."

"That's so thoughtful of you after all the rumors spread about you guys" Sheryl stated

"They weren't rumors" I chuckled

"They weren't" Amanda Questioned raising here eyebrow

"Yall will see when this album drops" I chuckled

Hours later I was back at the studio writing more songs for the album, it was hard to write songs when you grew hatred for your muse over the years. Normanii and i ended on good terms but I think I just dated her to make Lauren jealous so she couldn't even be my muse if she tried. This song had to be good because I was suppose to performing at the B.E.T. Awards in 4 months being that I haven't performed in over a year this song needed to be on point.

Lauren POV

I begged Lisa to let me in the studio and she finally unlocked the door for me to go inside, it felt so empty, I grew sad at this point because it's been years since I had a song and it was always Quincy producing or writing the song for me.

I sat down and unlocked the computer and scrolled through the file of beats Aglee had made for me a few months back when I was suppose to get back into the studio. I began to play the beat and i let it play for hour remeinising on the feelings I had for Quincy and Jeremiah. Life has been crazy these last few years.

I walked to the booth and began writing and recording.

Hello, it's me
I was wondering if after all these years you'd like to meet
To go over everything
They say that time's supposed to heal ya
But I ain't done much healingHello, can you hear me?
I'm in California dreaming about who we used to be
When we were younger and free
I've forgotten how it felt before the world fell at our feetThere's such a difference between us
And a million miles

Hello from the outside
At least I can say that I've tried
To tell you I'm sorry for breaking your heart
But it don't matter, it clearly doesn't tear you apart anymore

Hello, how are you?
It's so typical of me to talk about myself, I'm sorry
I hope that you're well
Did you ever make it out of that town where nothing ever happened?It's no secret that the both of us are running out of time

I began crying making this song, I realized that everything Jeremiah said was right, I did was wrong. I treated the guy that ever loved me and treated me like a human being like complete crap hopefully he gets the message.

Jeremiah POV

I was back stage at the B.E.T. awards nervous as hell, I've never been nervous before a performance but I grew up watching the B.E.T awards and always dreamed. I heard Lauren was dropping and album the same month as me and she was also a last minute performer at the award tonight. I was in complete shocked that she wanted to release and album right after mine; she had no clue what she was in for.

"Your on in six minutes we need to be walking to the stage" Lisa said

As I got to the entrance of the stage I heard the song on stage it was really good along with the vocals.

When I wake up, I'm afraid of the idea
Of facin' the day
I would rather stay home on my own
Drink it all away
Please stop callin' me, it's exhausting
There's really nothin' left to say
I created this storm, it's only fair I have to sit in its rainWhen will I begin to feel like me again?
I'm hanging by a thread
My skin's paper thin, I can't stop wavering
I've never been more scared

Cry your heart out, it'll clean your face
When you're in doubt, go at your own pace
Cry your heart out, it'll clean your face
When you're in doubt, go at your own pace

"Ladies and gentlemen give it up for Lauren Monday and her New single Cry Your Heart Out"

I was in complete shock she was actually preforming and the some was actually good without Quincy. She walked to the side of the stage I was standing on and i grabbed her hand.

"That was good"

"Thank you" she said walking off.

"Ladies and Gentlemen coming to the stage grammy award winning and R&B 4 time award winning Keith Powerrrrsssss"

"Try you

I wanna you x2

Check your phone I'm right outside

Hold it down I'll squeeze you tight

you look me deep inside my eyes

she walk right by to my surprise

she had the body of a goddess

look what you done started

look what's about to go down tonight

I want you , i want you alright x4

I wanna please you "

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