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"So that's who the muse is" Algee smirked

"You knew this man, everybody knows this"

"Well apparently not everyone, because Lauren doesn't know."

"I'm pretty sure she knows dude" I sighed "Maybe she doesn't know but you're my producer you should know"

"Oh I already knew I just wanted you to admit it, nobody is going to know how you feel unless you express it," Aglee spoke.

"You crazy if you think I'm finna tell her dawg, she's engaged now and I -"

"I'm saying in a song man" he trailed off crunching on the chips. "I always tell you to put your feelings into music that's how it sale"

"I do yo this whole album probably about her and how she makes me feel at that moment" I sighed. "Now she's engaged to some dude she met 6 months ago" I laughed.

"And what about Icon?" Aglee smiled

"Oh that song that's just me letting these niggas know what I'm gone be" I laughed

Lauren POV

  "Anything new Monday" Kehlani said. We were backstage at the talent show we host eating our lunch. The show had taken a break to find more contestants and now we were about to start back recording. Kehlani was now 6 months pregnant and she was owning every minute of it. I never seen a pregnant woman look so good. Hopefully I looked as good as her when I started to show. We were close but not close enough for me to just blurt out that I was pregnant. Quincy and I were keeping it quiet until we both told our parents.

"I actually have two big surprises" I said smiling the music video Quincy and I had made was finally done and would be out tomorrow.

"Like what" she smirked "let me guess you're engaged" she whispered.

"How'd you know"

"Girl I see that rock on your finger" she laughed "if you're trying to hide it you're doing a terrible job at it"

"Well you will see the official announcement soon"

"Girl does his family know, I heard his moms a real bitch" she biting into her food.

"You know what I haven't met his mom yet"

"Monday say word" she said shockingly

"Honest to God he's been picky about me meeting his parents"

"Hmm-I don't know probably because every girl he brings around doesn't make it"

"What you mean I said raising my brow"

"Nothing nothing, you have nothing to worry about you have the rock on your finger " she said getting up from her chair.

Things really began to bother me about the whole family situation. What the hell was Quincy keeping from me, why didn't he want me meeting his parents. Who the fuck were they Jay and Beyoncé? I pulled my phone out and began to try and investigate. I typed his name in the search bar instantly links about him dating me popped up, I continued to scroll until I got to his bio and scrolled to the parents part and there it was unknown. My heart dropped I instantly felt stupid was I really marrying and pregnant by someone I didn't even know.....

Jeremiah POV

"Yo man this beat is hot" I blurted out bobbing my head to the music and writing in my notebook. My album was almost complete I just had to speak to Lisa about an album cover and a release date, I just knew my shit was about to skyrocket the charts.

"Yo this album finna blow" Aglee cheered.

"I know man I'm about to go talk to Lisa right now about the release date and everything, you coming?" I said packing my stuff.

"Nah man go ahead" Aglee said mixing the beat together.

"You the producer though bro you gotta come"

"Man just go stack the bread" He laughed

"Ight bro" I said dapping him up before heading down the hall to Lisa's office. The door was cracked I was about to walk in until I heard she was talking to someone so I decided to wait outside on the couch outside the door and wait until she was done.

"What's so special about her Quincy?"  I heard Lisa speak her voice sounded as if she was angry. She was talking to Quincy I wonder what they were talking about, I move closer to the door to get a better listen.

"She's pregnant ma" Quincy spoke. My mouth instantly gaped open was Lauren pregnant again? Why did he call Lisa ma? I heard a loud flesh sound come from the room and echo into the hallway as if someone had been slapped.

"Quincy Brown what the hell are you saying, you got Monday pregnant she's our money right now you know me and your father's company is going to shits right now," Lisa yelled

My heart was shattered and my mind was instantly blown, they were using Lauren and now she was no good to them because she was pregnant. My heart was more broken then anything Lauren was really pregnant again from this guy that she barely knew this all began to make my blood boil.

"Listen she's pregnant and we're keeping it ma no if and or buts about it. You run away every girl I bring around and every girl I love but not this one, I really wanna be with her and you're not gonna fuck it up"  Quincy blurted. "You didn't even show up to our engagement party how selfish is that man," he yelled

"For God sake Quincy you know exactly why  I didn't show up, who in this building knows huh, who knows answer that please go ahead," Lisa yelled back. I wonder what secret they were keeping from everyone in the building.

"You're right! Nobody because you don't want the entire world knowing you got pregnant at 14 with a rich man's baby, I'm telling you ma right now when Lauren drops this baby you not having no parts in it life! You're not about to use and damage my child like you did me!" Quincy hollered slamming the door.

I could feel my blood ready to burn through my body, what the actual fuck was going on here what was Winston's keeping from us? I had to calm down before I went in there to talk to Lisa because she obviously didn't want anyone to know what just when down. She walked out of her office wiping her tears about to head down the hallway until she noticed me.

"How long you been out here," she said trying to keep her face stern.

"Not too long I just sat down" I smiled "Wassup you want me to come back later? "

"No no come in Keith" she said making her way to her desk to sit down. "Let's talk about this album"

"I wanna name it F.I.L.M."

"Alright why?" She said raising her brow

"Because this album finna be a movie"  I smiled

"You think that will sale?"

"Oh I know it will, I have my reasons" I smirked. I somehow felt that Lauren knew what was going on and that she probably felt I wasn't fucking with her no more but that wasn't the case hopefully this album would catch her attention hopefully she knew how to read between the lines.........

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