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Aglee POV

Things was so stressful this past week Jeremiah was planning something that I didn't agree with but I had no choice but to support him and his decisions. He was quitting music cool but the bigger picture and plan was exotic and uncalled for. I was dressed for the album release party Jeremiah and Lauren was suppose to have one together but Lauren didn't know he wasn't coming no one knew but me. We wanted Lauren to enjoy her night she deserved it at this moment her album was the number on on Apple Music right now Jeremiah in third place.

Later that night

"Lauren tell us, does it feel like a relief making this album?" The reporter asked.

"Mannn it feels like a weight off my shoulders the past year has been so mentally draining that music was my only outlet."

"Aglee how does it feel to have your first artist outside of Powers to be number one on the charts" the reporter spoke

"It feels amazing Lauren is very talented, I hate that it had to take  such tragic events for her to realize her true potential" I spoke hugging Lauren.

"Aglee ,we was aware that this party was for both Lauren and Keith Powers because you produced both of their albums, Where exactly Is Powers?"

I got choked up,  what was I suppose to say ? How was I suppose to tell them he wasn't coming back and he wasn't showing up ever.

"Um-Uh well we all know that Powers announced that he is taking a break from music and this is his last album, he also wants to take time from the spotlight as well." I stammered

Meanwhile behind the scenes after we spoke to the reporters Lauren was harassing me and cussing me out.

"where the fuck is he Aglee, the fuck you mean he's taking a break from the spotlight" she yelled

I was silent

"Where tf is he why won't anyone tell me where he is ?" She screamed

"Tell me aglee why won't you say anything, he has information that I need to know!" She yelled

I was silent

"If I have to travel 600 miles to speak to Quincy about these documents in prison I will do that,"

"Why doesn't he want to talk to me he can't possibly still be mad!!!" She cried out

I started to get choked up I knew deep down inside she still loved Jay but he was over it nothing I said or did could change his mind about what he wanted to do .

"He's just taking a break Lauren" I stammered

"A fucking break? A Break? "

"He wanted this day to be special for you he's had several number one albums and numerous release parties, he wanted today to be about you" I spoke trying to calm her down.

"Aglee if he doesn't ever want to talk to me again I get it just please tell him to contact me" she said leaving the room and going back to the party.

Jeremiah POV

I watched the live stream of the release party and I was glad Aglee was keeping it together, I saw TheShadeRoom already posting about me taking multiple breaks. Everything was coming together. I placed the DNA results on my computer keyboard and deleted the password on it.

I put on my gray sweatsuit and slides and grabbed my radio and headed to the car. I made sure the radio was turned off in the car I didn't want to hear anything but the sound of the car taking me to the the "Winston Publishing/ Make a Start Foundation"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2022 ⏰

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