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Jeremiah POV

Aglee and I was going crazy backstage I killed the performance. We were sitting backstage in the dressing room waiting for the show to end when Lauren busted in my dressing room.

"You think that shit cute huh?" She yelled barging towards me

"I thought It was kinda pretty , Monday" I spoke sarcastically

"You wanna ruin this chance for me don't you " she yelled

"Lauren what the hell are you talking about just cause you're chasing your dreams I can't chase mine?"

"You're sick Jeremiah " she yelled "Everything isn't about you" she shouted storming out.

"Well I guess the show is over" Aglee laughed

"This life is turning her crazy dawg" I said shaking my head

6 months later

"You have shown great progress here at Winston's, we're proud of you Powers" Mr Winston spoke as the room applauded.

"The media loves you we see you're going places" Lisa spoke.

"Let's release an album what's your feelings about that Powers"

"On one condition, Aglee is my producer he's the only person that can relate to me"

"Understood" Mr Winston said holding his hand out to Shake.

"Well let's get started" I chuckled

Lauren POV

It's only been 6 months and I had 3 songs , Jussie was a big help but I just couldn't focus. I had been in the studio about 6 hours and not even one line.

"Yeah man he was-"

I rolled my eyes as Jeremiah and Aglee bursted into my studio "What do y'all want"

"This is our studio for the next 3 weeks" Jeremiah spoke

"I have this studio for another 5 days what are you talking about"

"Winston wants you out you've taken to long. My turn no, bye lauren!" he said shooing me away

"Agleee!" I said folding my arms looking at him

"Bye lauren" Aglee said

"Ughhhh my fiancé would slaughter you in the studio anyways" I said grabbing my stuff.

"Fiancé?" They both said in unison

"Yes" I said showing them the ring on my finger then walking out.

"Lauren come here" Jeremiah called following me.

"What Jay we're done I'm getting married!"

"Come here girl" he said grabbing me and pushing me against the wall.

"What Jay!"

"You gone marry this nigga? After I loved and cared for you?" He said squeezing my arms "Huh answer me!" He said shaking me.

"I don't owe you anything" I said storming off "You took me for granted Jeremiah Powers" I yelled getting on the elevator.

Jeremiah POV

"You think I took lauren for granted?" I said to Aglee as he was playing with the beats

"I mean I don't think so, you think you did?"

"Maybe I'm not being supportive enough you know.. I don't know man" I said laying my head in my palms.

"Well dawg think of it like this... You're single again" Aglee shrugged. 

"Yeah feels like I've been single my whole life, like look at you and Jude-y'al so happy man" 

"I mean we have days that we feel like we not gone get through but the love just gotta be there  you know" Aglee  reassured. "Some relationships just have to be thrown away Keith"

"What happens when it's too good to throw away?"

"You either let it go bad or go away" Aglee commented.

Aglee had left the studio to go get some sleep, there was no time for me to sleep I stayed in the studio writing to the beats he pre-made for me. This album had the fire it was my first album and I did not want to let my people down.

"I like the beat"

I turned around to see Lauren standing in the doorway of the studio.

"What" I grumbled

"Come on stop acting like that" she said coming fully into the studio.

"Don't you gotta husband to tend to" I mocked

"I do actually but-"

"But what?"

"I wanna hear your song" she pleaded

"Nawl man so you can go tell yo man so he can steal it" I snapped 

"Why you keep thinking I'd do you like that Jay!" She yelled

"Because lately Lauren you been acting like a shady BITCH!" I hissed

"Bitch?" she chuckled "I'm a bitch cause you didn't wanna support me?"

"LAUREN get this through your head" I yelled shaking her. "This was your dream I was supporting you, YOU stopped fucking with me" I yelled "You came out here and got pregnant YOU stopped answering my phone calls." I spoke

"So you're done?" She sniffled

"At the looks of it you've been done" I said pointing to the ring on her finger. "You can't have your cake and eat it too"

She looked at me and let the tears roll down her eyes, and stormed out. I grabbed my notebook and began writing, she was now in my rearview time to focus on me and my career.

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