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Jeremiah POV

    I honestly loved Lauren but I wasn't finna waste my career on her and she playing with my feelings. We had sex so what, she was still engaged to that nigga who music is trash. Aglee and my moms was the only one I was worried about right now I had to push this love for Lauren aside and put this music career to use. They had brought me a house out in the hills but I spent most of my time at the studio. But Winston has given me the rest of the month to finish songs since I've gotten 5 already within my five days, so I thought that this entire week I would spend with my moms. Aglee had went back home to spend time with Jude.

"You know today starts the second semester of your senior year" mama spoke flipping through tv channels

"Yeah and?" I questioned

"You know you haven't taken any senior pictures or anything." She stammered

"Mom you know I'm not into all of that"

"Well baby do it for me senior year is the most important year" she pleaded

"Ion know mama," I said

"Come on now Jay"

"Fine but I'll on take the pictures" I smiled

"So how's Lauren ?"

"Really?" I snapped

"What y'all was on Ellen the other day" she barked

"We-I- I don't know ma" I hesitated

"She's still acting shady?"

"She's engaged actually" I trailed off

"Engaged" she yelped

"Yup, to that guy she just met, she told me and Aglee the other day like she was trynna rub it in." I chuckled.

"You okay"

"I'm straight" I spoke. My mom came over to the chair and gave me a hug. She knew I love Lauren with all my heart and within just a few months everything I had worked hard for was gone.

Lauren POV

Our families was finally meeting tonight at dinner; we were finally going to announce our engagement to the family, the music video and the song was being worked on to announce to the world about our engagement. I couldn't wait to marry Quincy I knew this would set off both of our careers. Lately I haven't been feeling well, I haven't told Quincy yet about how I've been feeling because I just knew he wanted a baby; hopefully i wasn't pregnant. Things haven't been going so great I still haven't put my album out yet nor have I written another book. Jeremiah on the other hand was living his best life and I was happy for him and Aglee. I was getting dressed for the dinner when my phone began to ring it was Lisa I just knew she was calling about something not important.

"Hello" I answered

"Have you seen TheShadeRooms post?" she spoke

"No why?"

"Well you need to look at it because I need answers once the press gets a hold of this their gonna run with it" she paused "Call me back when you see it I'm going to need to speak to both of you in the morning" she said hanging up. I hurried to Instagram to look at the shade rooms post.

TheShadeRoom: "A source from the high school Marston High has given use answers we've all been waiting for

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TheShadeRoom: "A source from the high school Marston High has given use answers we've all been waiting for. What is the deal between Keith Powers and Lauren Monday?"

"Earlier this year Powers posted a photo with Lauren Monday and said "Reunited and it feels so good" We also posted them the next day which was the day of Lauren's Book signing as #BaeWatch" The two have not been seen together since the event until the other day on the Ellen show when both of them stated that they DID go to the same high school but did not know each other..... We are confused??? If they did not know each other how did they reunite?"

"A source has sent us valuable information about the two and they stated that Powers and Monday were a couple for almost two years before Monday's Fame. Monday broke up with Powers for superstar Quincy. The source also noted that Keith is Powers middle name his government is Jeremiah Keith Powers.... sexy right! It was also stated that the source was a former friend of one of the uprising stars and that Monday told Powers about the auditions that's why he was signed; and to think that he just got lucky! It was also told that Powers is the cover and main character of Monday's book called "Love of a Book" . The picture above was sent to us from the source saying that this was taken at the High School's Junior picnic."

Keith_musicPowers: that bitch ain't tell me shit! Whatever source y'all getting y'all info from y'all needa cut it !

"What in the acutal fuck" I yelled

"What" Quincy said from the bathroom

"Nothing babe" I said locking the phone I couldn't tell him about the post because I knew he would demand the truth.

"You ready" he said coming out the bathroom in his black suit.

"Yeah" we got into the limousine that was taking us to the restaurant we had closed off for our announcement. Quincy was sitting beside me scrolling on his phone I grabbed it and kissed him on the cheek.

"Let's stay away from these tonight okay"

"Your wish is my command" he said kissing back.

We arrived at the restaurant and of course our families was waiting on for us with opulent smiles on their faces. We was exchanging names and relations with each family member.

"Babe where's your mom?" I whispered

"She's a very busy woman" he whispered as he kissed my cheek. "Enjoy the moment okay"

Moments finally passed and it was time for the announcement we walked to the front of the room.

"Well family members this will not be the last time you guys will be seeing each other" Quincy spoke

"Because..We're ENGAGED!" I said flaunting my ring.

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